Boob greed :( Started by: Mercedes

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  • Mercedes 1

    I’m PO day 5 and im having serious boob greed. I’m wishing went bigger 🙁 I asked him about 350cc (I had 335cc) and he didn’t seem happy as he said im they won’t look natural. But now once the swelling goes down I think they will be too small. Did anyone else feel like this?

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    Hayley 21

    Yes I’ve had it for the last week or two and I’m 3 weeks po . I think I got used to them the size swollen ha x

    Tanya 1

    Me too 😂 I’ve read that the they get bigger again once they settle. Also I feel like that then have a word with myself compared to before they are massive. I wouldn’t want them to look silly either. I think once we can wear normal bras with clothes things will feel a lot better. Yours look amazing xxx

    Mercedes 1

    @tanya when did you have yours done? Thank you, I do wish I went bigger but also didn’t want them looking too big and stuck on xx


    Hi mercedes I felt the same I had boob greed for weeks I had 400cc unders high profile from a 34a at week 10 as they start to d&f I fell in love with them as they started to look more natural and bigger now I am 3 months and couldn’t be any happier they say it takes up to 3 to 6 months for them too take shape xxxx

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