Braless Started by: Kiana

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  • Kiana 9

    Hey lovely ladies, I have two questions:

    1. Is it normal to have sternum pain And numbness? I had under the muscle implants.

    2. Is it ok to go braless? Do any of you go braless regularly?

    Christine 26

    Hi Kiana,

    I’m 6 months in and don’t have sternum pain but do still have numbness. I have a patch on each boob that I can’t feel at all. Hoping this improves in time but also know t could be permanent.

    I would feel comfortable going without a bra and will be doing so soon for a christmas party. I think so long as you’re signed off from your surgeon it’s ok? I have heard others going braless for a brief period of time for a night out before being signed off and think it was fine.

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