Breast reduction Started by: Taylor

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  • Taylor

    I’m currently in the process of booking my boob reduction I’m 24 and have wanted one since I was 20! I’m a 34FF and have been since I was 19 I’m size 8 on the bottom so very out of proportion, wanting to hear others experiences with Mya and if it is worth it and how was recovery? I’m also so nervous for anaesthetic as I have never had it before and what is it like when you first wake up?


    I’m due in for my op tomorrow
    I can update you on my experience if that helps.
    I’m a 38G. So far all ok but I think I’ll get the whole experience tomorrow once it starts to go ahead as this is something iv pushed back a few times! Due to no being ready and nervous but it’s here now!


    Hi! Hope you don’t mind me asking, how did you get on?


    Hi Girls, I had a breast reduction and implants on 24th May and honestly it’s the best thing I’ve ever done. The whole process was smooth, so well looked after. Id never had an operation or anesthetic before but it was absolutely fine. I felt a little sick when I woke up but the pain wasn’t too bad and the care from my nurse was amazing.
    I’m now post day 20 and love them x

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