can't sleep Started by: nay

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  • nay

    Had my ba 8am yesterday, all went well and was seen very quickly, after I was in a lot of pain and constantly in and out of sleep. There were 3 things i had to do before going..toilet, drinking, eating. Tried going to the toilet but was dizzy and felt awful. The nurse’s were amazing and helped me through it aswell as my friend. My blood pressure was low alot so wasn’t aloud to go untill then anyway. Had to try and eat and had to have a coffee (I knew I would be sick) and sure enough I was however felt so much better after. The drive home was great, I managed to eat and get into bed. Still struggling to take knickers down for the toilet and my left boob feels like its going to explode with milk, I see why they say its like breastfeeding, takes me back! My left arm has been tricky to move but i think thats just due to having injection in left and it being the worst pain right now. Wide awake! So thought I would sit and write on here xx
    p.s make sure you have someone with you there and at home, didn’t think I would need it to much but with out my friend I wouldn’t be ok right now, life saver!! Xx

    bella212 1

    aww bless u babe hope you feel betta soon its only 2nd day everybodys body is different to how it reacts to pain im having mine on 19th august who was your surgeon and wot size did you have if you dont mind me asking xx


    I really hope so, obviously knew I was going to be in alot of pain but different when its actually happened I think! I was at Fitzroy London with Mr Singh and had 320cc as was barely an A before xx


    Hey nay, glad everything went ok.

    I was pretty much the same as you yesterday, felt so good to get home last night tho and into my own bed.

    How you feeling today? I still feel like I’m about to explode, can’t wait to get this strapping off already!!


    christie -1

    Hope you feel better soon! I got home at 9pm last night and it was by far the more painful, stiff night of my life! Heres to happy healing 🙂 xx


    Hi lisa, what time did you get there? I went for surgery at 8, but felt like forever waiting after just wanted to go home. I feel rough my left boob still very swollen and makes me feel sick. But in bed going to try and have a sleep. Are you happy so far? Xx

    thanks, how are you feeling? Was you at Fitzroy too? Xx


    I got there just after 7am the receptionist said another lady was already there which I presume was you lol. I went down after you at 9am.

    From what I can see I’m happy lol, how about you? Yeah I’m trying to sleep most of the time, the tablets are knocking me out as well.

    You happy?

    Have you booked in again to have your strapping off? I dunno if I can stand this strapping till Friday lol



    Yeh it was I got there earlier than I thought I would. The nurse said another women was there so I guessed it was you. App there were three girls admission time was at 7am? Tbh all I can see is my nipples lol but I think I am. For the strapping I’ve been booked for the 8th but was told I can 4 days after but I’ve read alot on here from other girls that its best to wait for the nurse as its soo sticky and really hard to get off so I might wait even though its so tight!! I haven’t slept much yet, but im sure I will better tonight. You glad to be home?? Xx


    Oh that’s good, they didn’t tell me I could take mine off, but I’m also booked in for the 8th.

    I slept ok last night, I’m hoping I will again tonight. Just keeping myself dosed up.

    Yeah glad to be home, much more comfortable here that the hospital.

    What time did you leave the hospital? X

    Francesca -1

    hi hun, the dizziness could be from the anesthetic, drink lots of fluids as it’ll push them out sooner!
    deffo try and eat food, even if it’s just dry toast! Your body will need to recover and will need the fuel to do it and food will help! Take your pain relief regularly to keep on top of the pain xxx


    Oh, that’s odd. Tablets not been helping much, so going to bed really dosed up and hoping it works! Ugh we left right on rush hour which was fun! But thankfully my friend was great! Get a good night sleep 🙂 xx

    thanks hun, ate and drank alot this afternoon and feel alot better! Xx


    I called my out of hours doctor and got cocodomal prescribed. They give you a good nights sleep lol. Maybe try and get some of them, I got 15/500mg.
    Yeah we left rush hour too, made how we completely missed each other in every situation haha.
    Going over them roads were a bit much tho, you only realise how bumpy london roads are when your in pain haha. Did you have far to travel?
    What time is your appointment on Friday?


    I got some stronger ones now which my mum grabbed for me, little spaced out on them for a bit lol. Did the doctor come out to you? Aha london was a nightmare, the motor bikes are seriously crazy and drivers are awful! It was around two and half hours as im from bristol. But motorway was fine. Where do you live again? Mines at 11am xx


    Oh that’s good then, na doctor didn’t come out to me I just called them and they sent a prescription to my chemist.

    I think I’m about 11.30, you got to come back to london to have the strapping off? Or can you go local to you?

    I live se london so I’m not that far away, not sure how I’m gonna be travelling on the tubes tho lol.

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