Capsular contraction Started by: weejenii

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    hi girls,

    I had my op with Mya 5 years ago and have now got capsular contraction around both implants – has anyone on here had corrective surgery on this, and how did they look after?

    Many thanks,
    Jen xx

    Lucy 26

    sorry im not much help im only 19 days post op but its quite scary that this can happen years later randomly, you think your fine and healed well and then this can happen at any time :/ it does worry me. Are you getting them redone for free? x


    Well I’m covered for 5 years and I seen a surgeon who confirmed it was capsular contraction before the 5 years was up so they say I am covered but I went to them in January and am still waiting on getting any surgery … They are very bad at following up, it’s getting quite stressful now X

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