Confused about the last minute op preparations…op on Friday! Started by: Jane

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  • Jane 9

    Hi girls,

    My op is only 3 days away now. So I’m starting to prepare. Got all my post op bras now but it’s the little things I’m confused about…

    i know they say shower on the morning but don’t use any products…can you wash your hair on the morning do you know or should you do that the night before?

    Also what shower gel do you use? Some people on here are saying Sanex and others saying anti-bacterial shower gel which I’m not sure I know where to get that from?

    Also anyone got any good tips of what to pack in your hospital bag?

    Thank you!! I’m stressing as you can probably tell!

    Sophie 16

    hey I haven’t had my op yet so this is so usful!! I’d say wash your hair the night before then have a shower with no products in the morning! And also I’d use an antibacterial shower gel I find Sanex really drying on my skin!

    Hope this helped xx

    Jane 9

    Thanks Sophie! Hopefully someone who has had their op will help us on the what to pack! When is your op?

    What make of anti-bacterial shower gel are you going to get and where do you get it from…not sure I know what I’m supposed to buy!

    Sophie 16

    Hopefully book for the end of March but payday is Thursday so hopefully book then!! So excited! Should be able to buy some in tesco/asda/boots or even in somewhere like Holland and Barrat? There might even be one for like babies that might be appropriate xx

    Ellie 279

    My nurse said to use hibbi scrub the night before the op. That’s quite expensive though I think bout £5 and it’s quite small. she said that’s the best stuff. Boots sell it. I just got Sanex which is also okay and found it fine for me. Are you staying overnight? If not I just came home in the outfit I wore and brung a drink and chocolates in my bag lol which really helped coz I felt really faint after coming round from the anesthetic and the nurse said something sugary would help and it really did! I also took my makeup bag haha I know quite irrelivent but just put some foundation and blusher on to make me feel better after. Guessing most girls prob don’t do this tho! Hair bands that are non metal too xx

    christina 6

    Hi @BECKY, I’m 1wk post op, I took a kindle, phone charger & a cuddly toy for luck ? My admission time was 1pm but actually went in for surgery about 5. Of course front opening tops or just travel in your pjs, your probably going to be to out of it to care! For after: make sure everything is within reach, no high shelves, no low shelves! Depending on over//under someone to help take meds out of the foil pack ? & some ready meals // someone to cook for you. Good luck!!

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