Daddy issues? Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hey girlies. I just wanted to ask how you all got round to telling your dads? It obvs a girl problem and men wouldn’t understand as much. I think especially dads. I just wondered how you all told him and what there reaction was like? Xx


    Hey hun, I told my mum first and she kind of gave him the heads up. Then spoke to him more and he just wanted to check that I’d done my research and why I was doing it- not for anyone else just me that kind of thing lol. It will be ok 🙂 xx


    Hi thought id comment as I’m really close to my dad his like my best friend to be honest I think he’s known iv wanted it for a while as a few years ago he heard me talking to my sister about it I just sat him down an told him I have done a lot of research on the company and surgeon and made it clear to him that it’s for me and no one else and that it won’t be really obvious iv had them done he just said what makes me happy makes him happy


    I need this post so much my dad is my hero I love him to bits but I always talk to my mum about any problems, boys bodies etc I told my mum last night and she was really understanding even making silly jokes and being an absolute babe..she said she would let me tell my dad and at first I thought ‘why should I tell him’ boobs are something I wouldn’t discuss with my dad!!! But I think he should know as he is my dad at the end of the day… anyway he asked me what I was doing the other day (when I had my consultation) and I said I had an appointment and he replied ‘I do not like appointments unless it’s hair , dentist or opticians. .. we both have dry humour and I literally replied saying ‘well that’s unfortunate’…I feel like a right bitch haha! ! Bless him he’s so cute and only concerned for his child I think it will just be a case of letting him know I’m in good hands etc xxxxxxxxxxxx

    Abi 6

    My dad has always know I’ve had problems with my boobs as I’ve got no breast tissue what so ever and my sister had the same problem so she had her boobs done a few years ago so by the time I told him I wanted mine doing he offered to pay for the operation! So all booked in for 16th of March! Dads just don’t want men looking at their daughters in that way and think we are beautiful as we are but if he knows how long you’ve wanted this and how it effects your confidence etc I’m sure he will understand x

    Eve 19

    I think my dad was much more understanding than my mum. I mean they both weren’t happy but I’m day 1 post op and they’ve both done everything for me. My dad drove from birmingham to London to get me, when I got back to my mum she was like my personal slave without me asking. Time makes it easier! Xx

    Ashleigh 8

    My dad was so much more understanding than my mum! My mums abit upset by it all! Saying she can’t believe im not happy with the jeans she made me! And I should love myself for how I am! Were as my dad on the other had is takin the mic out off me! Saying you will regret It but you’ll only realise that once there stuck on your chest lol! Then laughs and calls me chick fillets you won’t even be able to hold your self up! But mum just sits there and solks! I think if must be more awkward for dads! Even though your there little girl and they never want you growing up they probably feel like they can’t say yes or no because they won’t quite understand because they don’t have boobs themselfs! I told my parents casually! Just said when the tv was on! She’s got lovely boobs! Hope mine look like that when I get them done! And they laughed and said no your not and I said yes in all booked in you know I’ve wanted it for ages then just basically said right in getting a shower night! And hid hahaha x

    Jodie 39

    @rcharliecarr Hey hun, I told me dad straight up, but he knew how I felt for years about my boobs and I’ve even cried to him about having small breasts, and now at 24 decided to have it. He doesn’t mind and have come around to the idea but he was more concerned about the size I was going to because he didn’t want me looking like Dolly Parton lol. Depends on how close you are with him really and if he’s an understanding person. If not, don’t let it phase you because men tend not to understand when it comes to women things anyway lol xx


    My dad makes me cry :’) he’s so lovely and all they want to do is see you happy and healthy! Xxx

    Amy 265

    @natasha thanks so cute bless him. Dads are ace they hate it when we grow up as they can’t protect us and take the pain away like when we was kids.
    I have 3 daughters and my husband says he doesn’t want them to grow up x

    Vanessa 56

    My mum told my dad for me. It’s not something we ever discuss I do all that wth my mum. so my mum filled him in and now we talk openly about getting them done and when it is and he usually just nods along and hasnt really said much on the matter.
    My mum says he just said I was beautiful already but if I wanted them doing he would support me, he was also concerned about money so mum explained I had a sensible head on my shoulders. and mum said that when I tried on my sizers in the bra at MYA under my clothes, that my whole demeanour changed including the way i sat, walked and smiled and when she told him this he nodded which is his way of approval. I had a tough time back in high school with bullying so to hear that even jsut with sizers my confidence changed he seemed happy enough. He just told me he loves me and he’s heres for me. xx

    Sophie 123

    My husband, daughter and I live with my dad so we are all pretty close anyway. I just told him in passing, didn’t make a big thing of it (like sitting him down to tell him or anything). He wasn’t really bothered and is even taking time off work to help look after my daughter! He’s pretty relaxed in general though but is worried abit as he doesn’t want to see me in pain etc xx

    Elizabeth 14

    I’m currently in the hospital waiting to go down to surgery and my dad still doesn’t know. I’ll tell him if it’s mentioned after but I didn’t know how to bring it up haha xx


    My dad has disowned me and told me not to talk to him ever again for getting this done haha! hes very extreme!


    Omgosh girls we’ve gone from one extreme to the next lol. But it’s great to know I think my dad would understand but would take some time because I think dads imagining anything to do with there little girls chest is too much for them lmao. I thought about just doing it and not telling them because once it’s done it’s done but I think I’ll need the support.

    Georgia I’m sorry to here that Hun. Hope you got good people around you!! Xx

    Sending adds if that’s okay


    I have my mam shes taking the week off work to look after me 🙂 I don’t live with my dad so I don’t really care what he thinks. im an adult at the end of the day! xxx

    lauram 10

    My dad doesnt know mum has been great .am due my BA on 9th march but im almost certain its something he’ll never understand or get and i really dont wanna upset or disappoint him. maybe its all done and dusted i will be able to but id rather not have the added stress beforehand xx

    Bethan 11

    My dad lives in Australia so I’m not going to tell him at all haha! But much like Georgia he will probably disown me… Hel have a nice shock when I eventually go out and visit him lol x

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