Day case or overnight stay? help?! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    I’m about to book surgery with Dr Singh for the 13th of may and confused as to wether or not i should stay over night. Having 450cc uhp overs – currently a 32b
    Has anyone had surgery with Dr Singh with similar stats and can give me any advise? And would you recommend staying overnight or not?

    Thanks! x

    Trace 158

    They say you should stay no further than an hour away fromthe hospital on the first night, but I just travelled straight home from Manchester to Birmingham. I never left till 11pm 🙂 I had 650 partials. However if you’re having an uplift also you definitely need to stay.

    Overnight adds quite a bit on top of the price. If you wanted to stay close, I’d recommend booking a hotel nearby as it’s about £300 cheaper than an overnight stay at hospital lol.


    Book a hotel def…i booked a hotel 3 mins away frm my hospital, im 2 and half hours away so after surgery i will just want to rest not travel xx

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