Deposit refund? Started by: Catherine

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    I had my consultation almost 4 months ago now and was unsure I was going to receive funds to go ahead with my procedure anyway I did but needed another consultation as i wasnt happy with the size spoken about but i still went ahead and paid the £750 last week as i really do wanr the procedure but after speaking to my doctor yesterday he’s advised me not to go ahead due to some medical reasons and to put it off for now. I contacted my patient Co ordinator Julie from the London clinic and told her my situation but she has said no they cannot do a refund on Mt deposit as it was out of my cooling off period. Is there anything that can be done about this due to my circumstance? I feel really upset as I only just paid that deposit but I feel lucky I didn’t pay it all or more as I was going to.

    Lauretta 1

    I was under the impression that if the dr says no to surgery then its on medical terms an not your own then you get a full refund. Thats what i kept being told anyway in the end i had to get a letter off my dr to confirm i could infact go ahead with my surgery but if he or any of the medical staff said no i was told i would get a full refund. I would check that in your terms and conditions x

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