Different surgeons for different looks? Started by: Beth

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  • Beth 9

    Hi girls, I’ve literally spent the last 2 days of my life on this forum reading what you all have to say. I’ve noticed there are quite a few different surgeons and each of them seem to specialise or be known for providing different looks. Can anyone advice which surgeon is best for which look and whether they’re male or female? Thanks in advance ladies!


    Hey chick with the diffent looks depends on your body just say u wanted the fake round look this would be wotever implants and placed over the muscle but if your body wasn’t able to have over they will place under the muscle wear they look more natural so it all gose off wot your body is able to have if u take a look at my pics now u see will see the diffrent looks xx

    Amy 265

    I think some surgeons steer away from huge implants 500cc or more. Think it’s down to what look and size you want but your pc will advise you and you can see more than one surgeon

    Beth 9

    Thanks ladies! @alexclarke78 @amy03

    I’m looking for a more natural look, I don’t want to go much bigger, just a nice size that is going to be in proportion with the rest of my body. My weight has fluctuated over the years, I had an eating disorder when I was younger then I went through phases of starving myself for months then bingeing for months so I could be a size 6 one month and three months later a 16 and as a result of this my boobs have suffered! They’re just not the shape a 20 year old woman’s should be unfortunately. I always go between a B and a C cup but to be honest when I was at my smallest I could have probably fit into an A! Id like to be a full C or D/DD, quite a difference I know but I’m hoping I’ll get a better idea when I go for my consultation and again when I get to try implants under my clothes so I can see for myself what CC I’m comfortable with xxx


    Awwwww BETH baby girl so sorry to hear to this the same happend to me when was I 14 years and it’s always seems to be with me all the time and now I’m 37 years old in May and still trying to keep my wieght down so not good at all xx

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