Do’s and Dont’s had surgery yesterday Started by: katie2510

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  • katie2510 17

    I had surgery yesterday not with mya
    They have not given me any information on do’s and donts so dont know what allowed to do šŸ™

    Also are we allowed to share pictures?

    Laura 7

    Each surgeon is different so it would be best to get in contact.
    Some things my surgeon advised were:
    Donā€™t get the dressings wet, and donā€™t mess with them until your dressing change appointment
    Your support bra should be worn at all times for the first 6 weeks. Take it off only to wash but donā€™t shower for the first 48 hours.
    Keep on top of your pain meds
    No driving for 2 weeks
    No excercise for 6 weeks.

    Like I said every surgeon is different but the above should help! Just try to move as little as possible xx

    Georgia 19

    My surgeon said
    Not to get my dressings wet so not to shower until my next appointment which was a week time so had to wet wipe my arm pits and stand in the shower and shower from the waist down.
    Also no driving for at least a week or until you can perform an emergency stop
    Not to do any form of exercise for a week, then do your normal routine around the house afterwards and then no lifting or doing upper arms until 6 weeks post op.
    Treat each boob as a separate operation as they are not twins and will heal differently & at separate times
    I have to wear a compress bra for up to 6 weeks also and I have a band to wear around them which I can only take off for 2 mins a day! but not sure how long I have to wear it for.
    Hope this helps xx

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 7 months ago by myamoderator 138. Reason: Comment contained details breaking MYA's community guidelines
    Lara 30

    Fir me my surgeon said 6 weeks is the mark for most things when I can get back to normal but to do it gradually as opposed to go full blown workout by week 6.
    He explained that you need to avoid heavy lifting, running or strenuous activity that would cause bouncing or excess movement, as that would lead to fluid buildup and a seroma which is what you want to avoid.
    Take it easy the first week. Donā€™t do things like cooking. I had unders and needed my mum to help me with everything from getting me out of bed to putting on my clothes. By day 5 I was ok with doing it on my own, but still had my mum to do all my cooking, cleaning and had to drink from straws.
    Driving is ok at 2-3 weeks when you can do an emergency stop without pain.
    You may get twinges of pain here and there when reaching for high shelves or raising your arms like washing your hair for the first few weeks which usually settles down by 4-6 weeks po. I am exactly 21 days post op and still have some pain and a pull in my pecs and armpits when I reach for things higher than my head level.

    Sarah 3

    Iā€™ve been informed of all of the above for when I have my surgery. But been told if unsure to call them and they can explain any uncertainties xx

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