Down Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Hey ladies,
    I feel like I am the only one who feels totally down about this experience. I am day 5 post op and just cannot distinguish what is ‘normal’ and what may be concern?
    I have some pain where left drain had come out but felt I could understand being so as it was deep and no doubt healing.
    Since last night my right breast has been fine but through the night until now it feels like it has turned to rock-almost like the feeling of a trapped muscle. It feels harder and I have used iced for hours. Please help me x


    If you have any concerns hun no matter how silly you think they might be call your nurse and get some reassurance. xx


    I feel like I will have the answer…”see how you go” it’s so worrying especially when you cannot see anything with all this strapping! x


    I had pain where my right drain was for a good week or two! mine even looked different sizes under the strapping. Sit tight keep up with pain meds. Whens your week check up, have a word with the nurse then 🙂 Wait until you have the strapping off they are rock hard then!! don’t worry too much hun everyone heals differently. I would still give the nurse a ring even if she says see how you go it might make you feel better xx

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