Dr Linda Fiumara 325-375cc unders and nipple lift…feedback/help please Started by: Tamara

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  • Tamara

    Hi girls,

    I met Linda Fiumara last week and am contemplating booking my BA with her. I was wondering if anyone else has had Linda or is due to? And what their experience was like and what they got?
    I’m 5ft 5ins, 8 and a half stone, and currently a 30D or 32C. Linda has recommended I have either mod plus or high profile 325/350 unders or 350/375 unders. She said one of my nipples is higher than the other because I have one breast larger than the other and that if I have the implants, it will make this more noticeable.

    She mentioned a nipple lift on one boob but I said no because that immediately worried me – don’t want to start playing with them and especially just one, as I’m worried when healed it will then look different to my naturally placed one, because it will have been moved. Can anyone give me any advice/show me pics? xxx


    I have a consultation with Linda next week. I’m not sure yet if I will need an uplift or just a BA.
    I didn’t think they would do it on just one though? What did she say when you said no? Was she happy to continue with just the BA?


    Not a boob uplift, a nipple uplift, I think you thought I meant boob uplift?

    dvrue 9

    I had mine done with Dr Fiumara and I think she’s lovely and very professional. Her results are super natural. About the nipple lift, I would say don’t do it if you’re not comfortable with it. It really depends on how bothered you would be about potential asymmetry. My implants have definitely made my previous asymmetry more noticeable (one is slightly higher than the other), but bear in mind that I’m only 26 days post op so they might even out over time. Hope that helps x

    dvrue 9

    I haven’t got a before pic – I didn’t notice that one breast was higher than the other before because they were so small. Now I can tell from photos

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    I’ve booked on without a nipple lift, so just going to see what happens and if a few months down the line after my BA I’m unhappy with the difference I’ll book in to get it done. Like you said I’m not fully comfy with it so I’d rather wait. Your boobs look great, i can see what you mean but tbh you can’t really tell one is higher than the other, if you hadn’t said and I’d seen that picture I’m not sure I would have noticed. They might look even better in a few months time! I just don’t like the idea of my nipple being moved!!! thanks for you reply xx

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