DR Singh- London 11th February. Anyone? Started by: Eve

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  • Eve 19

    Hi girls!!

    I’m booked in for BA on 11th February with Dr Singh in London. I’m travelling down from near Birmingham so will book a hotel the night before and stay in hospital over night the next day (I stressed how uncomfortable I would be being a day case)

    Just wondered if anyone else was booked for this date? Would love to get to know you and what size you’re thinking etc. I’m going back to be. Insulted by Dr Singh for a second time next week because I’m not happy with the size we agreed on (I didn’t completely understand sizing when I first went) and hearing I’ll lose volume when swelling goes down, i definitely want to be a bit bigger!!

    I want to hear anything and everything you’ve got to tell me!!!


    LanaBarr 20

    Hey Eve! Im booked in for that day too! So exciting! Im having 600cc overs, what size you Going for?
    Yeh i had to push mr singh to 600cc first he said 500/550 but i said could i try the 600 and he agree to do them! Xx

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