Drinking alcohol Started by: Jennie

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  • Jennie 1

    I’m having my BA done on Monday and was told not to drink alcohol for two weeks before or four weeks after but have been on holiday and had a few beers and a few glasses of wine. I won’t have anymore now but wondered if any of you girls still had the odd drink. I run a pub so the four weeks after will be hard too but I know I can do it if it means a better recovery.

    Would be good to hear your opinions x


    I was told by one nurse that 1 week after your op was ok to have a drink and then I was told by another that after 2 weeks it’s fine. Maybe just ask the nurse at your 1 week check up. I personally waited until day 11 and then treated myself to a few glasses of wine and I was fine 🙂


    Think after the op is mostly because it won’t make you feel good and you’ll probably feel crappy mixing it with meds, and before the op is due to it thinning your blood you’ll not heal as well and you can lose a lot more blood which means more bruising, I went out 12 days before my op and had a last night out and got pretty wrecked but I’ve been fine, I don’t know about a few bits here and there though. I’m not even thinking about drinking for a while anyway just want to get feeling 100% first before I have to deal with a hang over x

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