Eyelash extensions… Started by: Danhi Paice

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    I don’t suppose anyone that has had their op has gone with lash extensions? The thought of having them removed makes me so upset

    Tessa 5

    I’m sure eyelash extensions are ok I checked about hair extensions as it says they need removing my PC said them things only need removing when they have metal on Eye Lashes don’t


    Yeah I had the same issue with my bonds 🙁 decided not to have them put back in post lockdown as I knew I wouldn’t be able to have them

    sammy 9

    If you are with MYA their policy is no cosmetics
    Hair extensions
    Nail polish jewlery
    You also aren’t allowed to moisturize or put any deo on OP date. If you turn up with them on and they send you home is it worth it??

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