Feeling sorry for myself Started by: Jessica (@jessc92)

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    This isn’t BA related but im feeling sorry for myself lol, im having two wisdom teeth out tomorrow and im dreading it!! god knows what il be like on the day of my surgery!! My body is going to hate me putting it in all this pain! LOL x

    Layla 1

    Oh god thats awful!! I had a big molar out last year and I found it horrific! 🙁 Hopefully its not bad for you!! Xxx


    I’m a dental nurse so if you have any dental questions ild be happy to help xx


    Thanks @Samantha cox, ive been told to eat something light before hand and im prepared that its going to hurt … bad!! lol xx


    I’ve had a wisdom tooth out was awake was fine not one bit of pain 🙂 xx

    Karolina 42

    OMG poor you….be strong girlie I`m just think of a boobies outcome 🙂 xxx


    You should feel no pain, your jaw may ache if it’s lower, but no sharpe pain!! If you do getting and pain ask for more anasetic xx

    Trace 158

    Having a tooth out is sooo much easier than having a filling in my opinion!! Fillings hurt like hell, espesh if they don’t put enough anaesthetic in the first time!!

    They numb you totally when you have a tooth out, or at least they don’t hit any nerves, you just are a bit unfomfortable of having what feel like the dentist’s entire hand in your mouth lol!! I’ve had three out, two at the same time and it was easy!! You’ll be cool x

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