Finally had it done (04/03/2015) Started by: Danielle

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  • Danielle 131

    Hi all,

    I can finally write up my experience, I’ve loved reading everyone else’s and now I can do mine 🙂

    I’ve wanted this since the age of 16 due to assymetry, my left has always been slightly bigger than the left which was made even more apparent in the last 2-3 years because of weight gain.

    I opted for the highest option that was given to me by Dr Traynor, I had 375cc in my left and 400cc in my right. They were moderate plus profile implants.

    The closer I got to my surgery the less excited I got, I put this down to the fact that I didn’t think about what was to come in terms of actually getting it done and the pain.

    The day and night before my surgery my stomach was flipping about I felt so anxious and Ill about what was to come (I’m not at all tolerant to pain, expecially needles) I got probably an hours sleep in total. I just kept running over what might happen and making myself even more anxious.

    My admission time was 9 a.m. but arrived super early around 08:05 so me and my boyfriend sat in the car until around half then I decided to go in as I felt agitated and anxious waiting in the car. It felt like time was going so slow. Went into the hospital reception and had to use the buzzer to attract someone’s attention. The guy took me to a waiting room whilst he went and got a nurse which took him like a minute. The nurse then came and took me to my room. I assumed that because my admission time wasn’t until 9 that I wouldn’t get seen to until then but luckily two nurses came in and began the process of taking my temperature, blood pressure and asking me lots of questions. I didn’t have to do a pregnancy test as I was certain I couldn’t be. Whilst the nurses were doing their thing the anaesthetist came in. He was very direct, to the point. He asked me all the same questions that the nurses asked me and then left.

    Not too long after that the head of the ward came in and listened to my breathing and my heart, then he proceeded to ask me some of the same questions that I had already asked. You get asked the same thing over and over again! Lol

    A little while later around 25 past 10 the main man himself Dr Traynor came in, he gave me a consent form to sign and then proceeded to draw on me. It was only at that time that I found out my implant placement which was over the muscle. In my first consultation with me he never said he just wrote it in my notes. He then told me it would be about 30-40 minutes and I would be taken down for my op.

    From arriving in my room to right up until my op I became more and more nervous. My boyfriend said I had gone super pale and looked non too happy.

    At 10:55 the nurse who was assisting the anaesthetist Ann came into my room, asked me the same questions everyone else asked and then took me down to the room. She asked me to sit on the bed whilst she placed monitoring things on my back then asked me to undo my gown then lie down on the bed. The anaesthetist came in, Ann was chatting away to me whilst he put the canular in. That was one of the things I had been dreading the most and to be really honest it was literally a light scratch. I usually hate it when the person giving the needle says you will feel a scratch because usually it feels like more than a scratch lol. The part that hurt was when he put the GA in, it wasn’t pleasant at all and he seemed surprised that it hurt. Ann then placed an oxygen mask on me and I’d probably say within 10 seconds I was out.

    I could then feel myself coming around from the op I couldn’t see at first but just remember bursting into tears for no reason and shaking. I Could barely get my words out but managed to ask where my boyfriend was and I remember the nurse saying he’s in the waiting room. I then remember being asked to shuffle over somewhere, I still couldn’t see just hear and move. I realised once I was fully awake that I had been asked to shuffle onto my bed. My boyfriend then came in and he said he walked in and saw me crying my eyes out and he thought I was fully awake and in pain but it turns out I was still drugged up lol. He said that I was crying and I told him I thought he’d gone.

    It took me a while to come around properly I was shaking and unable to keep my eyes still for a little while my chest didn’t feel any different to what it was before I thought I would be in loads of pain but it was perfectly fine. A nurse came in and checked on me and asked if I wanted tea and toast.

    I had my blood pressure and temperature checked so many times. After a while the nurse came in and helped me sit up and then stand up. I had been dreading this bit since coming round as I thought it would be painful but it was fine.

    I had no pain at all at the hospital only pressure on my chest but it was only mildly uncomfortable. The feeling was like a mixture of something heavy on your chest and an intense workout.

    Got my boyfriend to help me get ready which meant he had to pull both my knickers and pants up for me…that’s love for you! lol I was given a discharge pack with anti-biotics and painkille and my book with my implant info. Once I felt up to it I got my top on and then left. Got home for around 4 and got my pjs on.

    Overall the experience wasn’t even half as scary as I had built it up to be in my head. I was very surprised at how much I was actually able to do after the op. I thought I would be bed bound but I was able to walk around and go to the loo without help. As it got later on in the evening the pain killers they injected because to wear off and I began to feel more and more heavy pressure and every so often stinging in my boobs. I decided that whilst their pain killers where still in my system I would only take ibuprofen and then if it got intense I would take the pain killers I was given by the hospital. I ended up taking them at 12:30 because the pressure got more intense. I couldn’t push anything like the toilet door or handle lol.

    I had really good arm movement until about 3 in the morning when my left side gave up on me. I can still do a lot with my right though.

    Woke up this morning and getting up and out of bed is a real chore it feels like I’m trying to get up but my body isn’t listening lol.

    So there’s my super long experience lol. To anyone who is nervous about getting it done it won’t be as bad as you think I just seems scary. Also anyone going to Preston, it is £5 for wifi but there is a TV in the room if you don’t want to pay that ( I didnt). Food for your guest isn’t free but it is for you and you don’t have to have just tea it can be coffee or hot chocolate lol.

    If anyone has any questions please feel free to ask 🙂

    Good luck to those who have their ops today or coming up and happy recovery to those who have had theirs already 🙂


    Jennifer 90

    Congratulations hunny! 🙂 bet you’re so proud of yourself for doing it, I know I will be! Thanks for sharing! 🙂 made me feel loads better, everytime I have a wobble I read someone’s story & it always helps….. and this will be me in 3 weeks! Aarghhh….. Happy healing hun xxx


    Aww glad that everything went well, hope you recover nice and quick!
    Was lovely to read your story, they always put my mind at ease!
    Happy healing! 🙂 xx

    Nicole 12

    thanks for sharing, hope your healing well 🙂
    Congrats:) xx

    Danielle 131

    Thanks girls 🙂 x

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