Finally met Mr Traynor… Started by: Philippa123

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    Finally had my consultation with Mr Traynor today and i’m so glad I have booked with him, he was so lovely!
    He has offered loads of different sizes though from 295cc to 415cc and said I can chose which I have, i’m an A now hoping for a full C cup so if anybody has had any experience of these sizes, i would appreciate your advice! i’m thinking somewhere in the middle, probably the 345cc?
    He also said he would do overs, whereas every other surgeon i’ve seen has said unders! Has anyone had overs starting from an A cup?
    Thanks for your help! x


    Hi huni, I had 385 overs with mr t 2 weeks ago, he offered me the exact same sizes I was a flat 34 a and I’m in a 36 dd sports bra, I wanted to be a d, if your wanting a full c then defo go for 345 hun xx


    Ahh thanks, thats good to know! I think i’ll be happy with the 345’s, i don’t want them to be huge and i’ve only got a small frame too 🙂 Are you happy with the overs? I was worried they would look fake on me, but he was quite convincing that these would be best xx


    Hi I had 385cc overs from a 34a/very small b cup and am still in an e cup sports bra 5 weeks on. I wanted to be a full c or d too but I’m not unhappy I’m measuring bigger as they really don’t look too big in a bra . I think it depends on your frame too for your final result x


    Yeah I’m more than happy, have a tiny bit of boob greed and wish I’d got 415 but I’m still really happy with what I’ve got compared to what I had, I’ve got one pic on if you want to add and have a peak xx


    I was exactly the same as you with all you’ve said with Mr Traynor. I had my surgery 7weeks ago and am so pleased with the result and the care I received.
    I went for 345 and am a C cup now the swelling has gone down… They were huge after surgery and the first thing I said was… They will go down wont they !! Wore D cup sports bras. They look so natural and are soft as normal breasts feel but lovely and full and pert !


    Thanks girls, this is all very helpful and reassuring, glad you’re all happy with your results! Shyla did you have overs too? it’s good to hear they look natural, as that’s what i’m really hoping for! i’m so excited!! x


    Hi Hun, I’ve just had 300 overs from a 32a, and I’m in a 34dd sports bra, they are huge and the bra is VERY tight! The swelling will go down though, and will prob end up a d. Mr t said to go as small as I possibly could to aid healing and not look stuck on, as I am small like you x


    Hi no0108, they sound like a good size! are you happy with them? Yeah even though he offered me a few larger sizes, I could tell he didn’t really want me to go that big! I don’t want to be disappointed either though, probably go with 325 or 345, i’ve got plenty of time to decide though, my ops not until 20th of March! x


    Yes I had overs, other surgeon said to have unders but Mr Traynor said definately overs. I measure a 32 back at bra fitting but I have a rib cage which refuses to squeeze into anything smaller than a 34/36 which baffles the bra fitters! They were definately a double D post surgery, it’s amazing how they settle down after 6 weeks. Macom bras are fantastic and the M and S zip up ones to sleep in, these don’t aggrevate your wounds x


    Mr t gave me the option to go up to 360, but I could tell he didn’t want me to and said smaller is better for overs as you might see them under the skin if they are too big, or they will sag more over time. I’m happy with the size, don’t think any bigger would’ve squeezed I! And I’ve had pain at all! I will add some pics over the wknd, I’ve taken loads! X


    Hi Phillipa im booked in with Mr T on Tuesday and im getting either 325cc or 345cc overs still not 100% sure. Im a small frame size 6 and am starting with a 32a. i told him i want to be natural looking an my ideal end result would be a full c small d. He ffered me 295s and the other 2 sizes. I tried the 325s and 345s on at the clinic and there wasnt a huge difference in the 2 to be honest. I also dont want to look to big. Im thinking the 345s as there wasnt a huge difference. Soo nervous but excited!


    no0108 yeah that makes sense, I definately don’t want them to look huge anyway!
    Haylea, how exciting for you it’s so near now!! yeah i’m only 5″2, and a size 8 so don’t want to look out of proportion with huge boobs, i’m also hoping for a full C and stuck between the same 2 sizes as you! it’s so hard to decide, i think 345 is the one i’m leaning more towards though! Let me know how it goes, do you both mind if i add you please? x

    Stephanie -1

    I was AA / A and went to D with 340cc but everyone is different, but 345 / 365 sounds about right to me. Lots say you look smaller then the bra size implies. So 415 sounds quite large but the mid 300’s sounds good to me.

    Good luck with whatever decision you make. But you sound like me, and I stressed I wanted to look natural to my surgeon so he had 340 and 380 tried 380 and said it just didn’t look natural, it would fit but looked fake so went with the 340.


    Yeah, add me, I will put pics up over weekend so you can get an idea of size. I know your dilemma though! Spending hours and days mulling over 25cc is neither here nor there, but I was the same. It came down to the implant width in the end. Are you having high profile? X

    Rachel -1

    im having Mr T too and he’s offered me the same sizes too from an A. can i add you @philippa and @peeps? x


    Yeah corse xx


    Thanks for all of your replies, Stephanie, yeah I thought the 415cc sounds a bit big for the look i want as well, but you sound like you’ve got a really good result with 340’s! do you mind if i add you? no0108, thanks for accepting, i’ve just had a nosey at your pics and they look absolutely amazing! you must be so happy, perfect size as well! And yeah mine will be high profile too 🙂
    Yeah Rachel that’s fine! Have you decided on a size yet? when’s your op?

    Stephanie -1

    Hi Philippa I’ve sent a friend request do just accept then you can take a peek 😉


    Thanks Stephanie, they are looking amazing! such a transformation, no wonder you’re so pleased with them 🙂 thanks for letting me have a peek x


    Thanks Philippa x

    Rachel -1

    @no0108 would it be ok to send you a friend request? i know dr traynor prefers overs so were the same size, would be interested to see what his overs look like from a 32a if you wouldnt mind? I’ve asked him specifically for unders and he was happy with that but i know with overs they’re easier to push together and quicker recovery. xx


    Yeah, sure Rachel. From my point of view, I can say I’ve had no pain and only took paracetamol day 2. Maybe I’ve got a high pain threshold! X

    Rachel -1

    Thanks a lot will request now x

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