Full Tummy Tuck & Lipo with Dr Ann De Leo 2024 Started by: T Tgirl

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  • T Tgirl

    Hello everyone, I’m new here and I have confirmed my full TT and Lipo with Dr Ann De Leo on the 23rd of May 2024. I don’t know how I feel but I fell anxious and scared at the same time. I have four children and I can’t wait to get rid of my big belly that refuses to go down even after exercise and losing weight. Honestly, I can’t wait for this surgery cos I have wanted it for so long but obviously cos of the cost I had to wait to save for it. Please I need all the advice from anyone that has done it, how was your recovery and the result.

    T Tgirl

    I had my procedure, Tummy tuck yesterday. And it went well. I love the outcome, I need to wait another 6 weeks to heal before posting the pictures . The surgeon is so nice and really good.

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