Girls considerating BA/pre-op girls. Read this… Started by: metalvixen666

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    Hey guys :)

    Basically, I found a girl on here a while ago who is doing her dissertation for Psychology for her Masters degree. She’s looking into body image.

    I volunteered to help her and all I needed to do was sign a consent form (it was emailed to me, I just typed my name, rather than physically signing it with a pen). and had a phonecall with her answering questions, she said would take 30 minutes to an hour. Then she’s sent me an email explaining what the study is about blahblahblah and thanking me for my time.

    She’s got a week left to go and needs two more girls.

    It’s all confidential, on the recording of the phone call you give yourself a fake name. The consent form is the only thing with your name on it and it’s all strictly confidential.

    There’s no pictures, no nothing. It’s all completely safe and your identity is protected.

    I just wanted to help her as it’s her dissertation and it didn’t take a lot for me to help, I can’t give examples of questions as it will affect the study but it’s basically about how you feel about yourself now and how it would change.

    If any of you are interested in helping her please message me and I’ll send you her email address.

    (PS I know some people make think it’s peculiar/may not trust it, as she’s on the forum not for surgery… but I had no pictures on here till way after she contacted me… so it’s not like she wants access to our pictures and is lying. She is definitely a psychology student doing her dissertation and is so lovely too!)

    So all in all, you sign your name and date a form she sends you, have a conversation for up to an hour which is recorded in which you have a fake name, then she thanks you and explains the study a bit more.

    I know it’s a private thing for all of us, but you could really help someone with something huge in their lives and it only takes an hour out of your life. It’s all confidential so there’s nothing to worry about.

    So, if you want to help, let me know :D


    Can I help if Iv already had it done? I’m a week po and just finished my dissertation myself so know how stressful it can be and would love to help xx


    I can ask her, I did ask her last night after my call if she just wanted people considering surgery and she said yes. But I can imagine that if she only has a week, then she’ll take anyone willing to help :D

    I’ll message her now and get back to you :)


    Ok cool xx

    tashiemash 1

    im happy to help! im not due for surgery til aug 17th? Xx


    hi hun i just sent you a pm :) ba 17th july but in cyprus so might be a pricey phone call :s xx


    i’m happy to help too….got my op next Wednesday. Let me know what I need to do. :-)

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