Girls with different size implants Started by: Logansrunner

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    Is it normal for the bigger implant to be more swollen and a lot higher than the other. Probably an obvious question but theses a massive difference xx


    I had a slight diff in size before my op and was told there would be that diff after also, but i do see alot more of a diff now ive had them done, i am hoping they will settle and the size diff not so noticable, i think my right one had dropped more than my left but i had unders and am left handed so thats maybe why xx


    Don’t worry girls, they do settle evenly eventually! Xxx


    Thank you. It’s just a bit scary as my right boob (bigger implant) is huge in comparison. It must have had more work done xx


    Yeah I had two different sizes they told me if I was right handed it would take longer to settle x

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