Going 380cc from an A Started by: HappyMyaGirl

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    So just have my consultant with surgeon and pre op. I’m currently an A and having 380cc over high profile. Anyone else have similar? Sooo exited! 12 days to go (26th November).


    Hey I’m having 385 soft touch overs from 34B in the 23rd Novemer at Drotwich .. I asked for a DD but hoping they look a DD and don’t just measure it!! On countdown now xx


    I asked to be a full C/D the biggest he offered was 410. But I think they looked to big on me cause I’m small framed. I’m the same!! Counting down the hours never mind the days hahaha! xx


    Were u havin ur opp daisy as I’m booked for 26th at high field 🙂 xx


    Yay daisy 🙂 glad urs.went well.I’m having 525cc xtra high profile xxx


    I’m at first trust in Preston 😀 we only have 12days Boe!! I actually can’t believe I’m finally going through with it!! Lol. Thanks Jade 🙂 so was you offered what you wanted then ? Wish I had the height and frame carry off 525s lol xxx


    Lol yeah I got offerd those and a smaller size.the 525 looked best tho hence y I chose um lol.roll on nx Fri xxx urs wil b a lovely size xxx


    I know just waiting for the all clear from my pre opp then Ivan feel mega excited then lol 🙂 I’m only having 450cc soft touch unders in 5,7 and weigh 10stone but slim just heavy boned if u get what I mean lol xx


    I’m exactly same as u boe I’m biv boned to dnt look ten st but I am ha xxx


    I could of gone bigger but I don’t want the fake look I won’t them as natural as possible 🙂 just thinking tho I do want to go a but bigger just think it’s a bit late to change my mind Haha xx


    I know in the next few days I’m going panic if I’ve chose the right size or not as I could have 410cc. Yeah I know what you meanI’m 5,2 and 8stone, yh first thing Dr Traynor said was I am very small in height so begged me not to ask To go bigger lol, I’m the same Boe I want bigger natural looking boobs I can’t wait to not have wear a bra with those gorgeous booby dresses 😀 aha xx


    Hi daisy! My surgey is on 26th too not long 🙂 I’m at Abbey pines tho. I’m a a/b getting
    340cc overs. But meeting him next wed to try see if I can get
    380 overs! U going for cuis? I think I’d prefer naturelle but he recommended cui! X


    Heyy, so many have the same date! Will make recovering comforting as we can judge experence and talk to each other 😀 yh cui DR recommended them to me too and not too sure why tbh. What overall cup size you hoping to be? xx


    I’ve got mine on 30th of november at First Trust in Preston, I’m a 32B now and having 380cc unders 🙂 x


    Eek it’s all so exciting! Who’s your surgeon laura? I will let you know how the hospital and everything is! 😀 what size you hoping to be? I want get an idea of gets size I would be and what size sports bra get. I know we have go up a back size but unsure about the cup :/ x


    My surgeon is Mr mounir, I’m hoping to be a D/DD, I was thinking the exact same thing about the sports bra, my nurse told me to get a back size bigger but didn’t mention anything about the current size, I’m going for a DD I think, if found one for £6 so if I do need a different size at least I’m not paying too much for it x


    There’s loads of us at end of nov! We can all recover together! I’m going in weds to meet my surgeon again as I am going to opt for natrelles rather than cui as apparently less chance of rippling which I’m scared
    Of with overs!
    I’m going shopping today to get my sports bra and
    V pillow and some new button up front
    For the stay! So exciting ☺☺☺☺


    I know will make recovering that bit more bearable as we have each other got advice and to calm each other down 😀 haha. I’m having cui and keep thinking the same!! I’m scared too! Apparently it’s happens to 7%. Can I ask what size sports bra you are getting? How many size up from what you are? xx


    Yep exactly 🙂
    I know I hope he lets me go for natrelles I’m prepared to pay extra to reduce rippling! I don’t see why he wouldn’t
    Let me anyway! Got my pre op with the nurse next weds then
    I’m in following tues! I go back to work the following weds so hope 8 days is enough. How long have u got off? I think ill get
    36 D or DD In case of swelling! X


    He should let you I can’t see why not either. I’ve got 8 days too!! But if I need more I can have longer. I asked loads if girls on here an majority say a week is enough but depends on your job. x


    Daisy I haven’t been told we go up a back size it’s just the cup size I think love! I’m a 34aa now having 450cc unders and my surgeon said I’ll be looking at been a 34d 🙂 she never said I’ll go up a back size 🙂 oh and only 10 more days to go :))) mega excited as I got the all clear from my pre opp xxx


    Olivia what job do u do? I’m a waitress and going bk to work in a week after my opp xxx


    Hi boe! I work in an office so hopefully ill be fine! I’m sure
    You will be too! Is anyone at abbey pines in Manchester on the 26th?! X


    Yeah u should be absolutely fine love in an office 🙂 xx


    My surgeon is Mr Mounir, my nurse told me to get a back size bigger but didn’t mention anything about cup size, I told the surgeon I wanted a D so I think I’m gonna get a DD because of the swelling and stuff x


    Hey girls

    Feel free to add me I currently have 365cc overs – 3years post op. my stats are 5ft3 105pounds size 6. I went from a/b cup to dd/e.

    I hope this helps 🙂 I’ve got my re-op in 4days getting 560cc overs – Im soooo exited!!

    The only thing with implants is they always measure bigger than they look so I currently look more a c/d now my implants are well and truly settled lol.

    Alyssa x


    @Boey I was definitely told get a back size bigger cause of the swelling by my PC. I was hoping be a Large C small D. I’m currently an A and having 380cc. Yay! We will soon be in single numbers TOMORROW lol. @lauren yh I was thinking a D or DD all depends how much we swelling we have. Yay thanks @alussa I will add you now 🙂 I’ve not see an pics of 3 years post op yet just of a fee months


    I’m 26th November at droitwich with me schiavone.
    I’m currently a full c small d but there deflated from having 2 children. I’m having 4155cc overs height profile.
    Mr schiavione said I will go up around 3-4 cuo sizes however I already have the breast tissue to fill.

    if you get the macom bra you only need to get your current back size and the bra expands with you and your swelling. It’s the one he nurse recommended. It’s around £37 but feel if I’m spending so much much to get them done night as well get a decent bra for afterwards. Nurse said to get a few Cheaper ones from asda too. There 2 for £7!! I’m going to get the macom in a skin colour so it should go under most things :-))


    Ooh ok then thank you@rebeccalou 🙂 yes I’m going get a expensive one too and a few cheaper ones. Heard the asda and matalan ones are soft and comfy especially to sleep in. Where did you get your £37 one from? I’ve been looking at a M&S Macom one. I’m dreading sleeping up right!! x


    I’m ordering tomorrow Hun @daisy

    But I may get a m&s one too as some of the girls say their good. I like the fact the straps are quite small on the macom. Even though the cup part is big. It’s sooo confusing. I have 2 from asda and they seem okay but will soon find out lol


    I was a 34a and had 525s in a 34DD sports bra ATM but definitely don’t look a DD think I wish I went bigger but at the same time they do look good with my figure x


    Hey I had 380 unders I was an a cup I’m now a d/dd 🙂 x


    Hey @amanda I’ve added you I hope that’s ok. xx


    Mr T did my BA and uplift on 08 October I had soft touch 295cc overs. I had my 6 week check with him on Monday. He’s done a fab job. First Trust is a lovely place and staff are fab xxx


    So comforting to hear Sarah! I’m literally counting the hours down now lol my mum and boyfriend are coming down with me do they get to wait in the recovering room or waitif room do you know? Like what’s happens on the whole day? xx


    Daisy 5 days today babe :)) xx

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