Gym stuff – Crossfit Started by: Emma

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  • Emma 16

    I know the usual guidelines are 6 weeks for light exercise but was wondering if there’s anyone on here that Crossfit’s and how long you’ve had to wait or are planning on waiting til you go back? X

    Toni 2

    Hi Hun, I’m a bit worried about the gym stuff too. I’ve cancelled crossfit but aiming to get back to the gym ASAP. Seeing as though crossfit is more strenuous I’m just gonna wait and see. Think it’ll be 2 months at least, especially pull ups etc. x

    Emma 16

    That’s what I’m thinking – wondering just how much scaling can be done. Although we’ve got a female coach so could be easier to explain to her than a guy coach. Olympic lifting’ll have to be put on hold for a while

    Nicola 12

    I defiantly wouldn’t recommend trying to much at once till your 6 weeks I’m 5 weeks po and my incisions have come open. Be careful and take it easy I have done just an bike x

    Emma 16

    completely agree @Nicola. In the long run it’s not that much time, just frustrating having to start from scratch & I get REALLY twitchy (basically a cow) when I can’t exercise! x

    Laura 27

    No kettle bells for a few months then. 🙁
    My legs and bum are gonna be good though! Haha!! X

    Emma 16

    @laura tell me about it! No proper squatting, pull ups, press ups, skipping or anything like that for a while. Just have to think of the long-term! x

    Regina 38

    Ahh that’s annoying, I do bikini competitions so train like a bodybuilder.. so worried I’m gona lose all my muscle

    Emma 16

    The crossfit stuff’s a lot of various weightlifting as well. I think if you keep training up until your op then your at least at a better place to jeep going afterwards than if you lay off for ages just because you know you can’t train for a bit post op – if that makes any sense?!x

    Laura 27

    Yeah I’m hammering these next few weeks at the gym. Really achey thighs at the minute though. Over done it already. Lol x

    Regina 38

    @emvh haha yeah, I know I think crossfit is even more vigorous than bodybuilding cause you guys are all about functional strength/explosive movements! Are you having overs? I really wanted partioals but my surgeon was like no no no you have too much chest haha.. xx

    lol same here, trained back last sunday and still in pain, one of the girls I train with said she struggled to train back after the op, so just hammering the upper body at the moment xx

    Emma 16

    @gina i’m not 100% sure yet but i’d be surprised if i did’t have to have partials. I have almost no tissue in the upper pole – can see my ribs below my collar bone.

    Reckon anything upper body’ll be an issue for a while just because of the movement & the whole “everything’s connected” bit. xx

    Yana 51

    I’ve had Unders and I tell you what, I can’t do the same weight or pressups, my chest is not in the best of shapes. So if u lift weights do Not have unders or partials! It will never be the same again.

    Vanessa 56

    @ariel how long post op are you?Xxx

    Emma 16

    Girls must get back to a decent level of fitness though. All you have to do is look at most of the physique girls and they’ve almost all had BAs done & they train SO hard to look like they do.

    I’m not worrying too much about it, just have to make sure you look after yourself in the short term to let yourself heal properly xx

    Regina 38

    Most physique girls don’t do flat bench for that reason, they only even do upper chest-lots of incline otherwise there’s a risk you’ll push the implant to the sides. Make sure you tell your surgeon about training xx

    Emma 16

    to be honest I never do bench anyway, the closest movement to it would be a press up for me. I’m more worried about the power movements that you can’t really slow down. Just have to make sure nothing’s overdone for a while xx

    Regina 38

    @emvh haha yeah clean and jerks will be out of question for a while! I’m just worried cause exercise is meant to be quite high up for possible reasons for capsular contracture… xx

    Emma 16

    I know, I think if you keep the impact to as low as possible til you get the go ahead from the surgeon then I guess the risk is at it’s lowest. Planning on having mine done May as well so trying to do as much as possible before then so I don’t soften too much over the summer – bikini body might be ruled out this year haha xx

    Yana 51

    I’m now 6 months post op, and back to my normal weights on everything else apart from chest. I’m doing Body Pump 3 times a week. Always have, so bit frustrating not being able to do even push-ups and minimum weight on the chest track. 🙁 hopefully I can have them Redone for over the muacle and get back to my fitness level fully.

    Regina 38

    sound like a plan I’ll probably just switch up my focus on legs for a while after @ariel ahh no, sorry to hear that.. I’m actually trying to push for partials cause I’m not really training for performance and like Emma haven’t trained chest in over a year now, don’t want them to look gross when I’m on 8%bf xx

    Emma 16

    @figureclass that’s my main thing, I sit at about 13% anyway so would rather have the look I want & possibly suffer on the press ups for a while than the other way around xx

    Regina 38

    @emvh ahh yeah just looked at your stats and you’re so tiny! I’ve got 2 weeks to lean up and try to sway him on the day haha.. i literally get nothing when lean it’s so depressing xx

    Emma 16

    I think it’s my height that makes me look small as well @figureclass. Haha, I’ve got til may to get myself in as good a shape as possible! Boobs are definitely lost when it comes to fitness!xx

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