Had my BA yesterday!! Started by: Kayleigh

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  • Kayleigh 1

    Hey girls 🙂 so me and my sister had our BA yesterday!! Omg it was so surreal!! Not much pain yet only on the journey home (you seem to notice every bump in the roads!) iv been relaxing at home all day today trying not to move much! A bit stiff and they feel so heavy and everytime i stand up and walk im holding them like theyre going to fall off lol!

    Just to tell you what iv had…800cc hp overs, im 5’10 though so dont look huge!

    I still cant believe weve finally had it done! Looking forward for our post op appointment to have the strapping off so i can see properly! The strappings not very comfortable! So happy with it all though, every member of staffs been dead nice (tbh i would expect that with how much were paying lol) so glad its done though and really happy with them 😀

    Good luck to anyone else having theirs soon and if anyones worried or scared dont be its really not that bad! 🙂 if you have any questions feel free to ask or add me 🙂 xx


    Hi ya. Glad surgery went well and you’re recoveirng nicely.
    What boob size were you before? I’m also 5’10”. Had mine done Friday and the strapping comes off tomorrow hopefully. I got 550cc overs.
    Sent a request xx


    Wow you went straight to 800cc!! What we’re you before if you don’t mind me asking what profile do you have?? Hope your recovering well x


    800cc sounds huge but you are quite tall, hope you don’t mind the add x

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