Had my consultation Started by: Leanne

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  • Leanne

    Had my second consultation with dr Traynor, told me i could go to 300cc am just wondering if its gonna b big enough as currently 32a and when i tried it it didnt seen big enough unless i have boob greed x any1 any pics x x

    Sophie 2

    Hi Leanne I had my surgery with Mr Traynor 6 weeks ago and had 350cc under the muscle so slightly bigger than what you have been offered. I worried that they would be too small but they actually look really in proportion with my body. I went from a 32a/small 32b and got measured on Monday and have been told I’m a 30F! It sounds massive but they really don’t look too big at all.
    I’d say go for the biggest you have been offered as in the first couple of weeks I was really disappointed wit the size. But Mr Traynor is amazing and really does know what he’s talking about.
    I have hopefully attached a pic 6wpo x

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