had my op monday and put a few pics up! 375trm with nipple lift! Started by: willbhappy

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    Put some pics up if people want to have a look… Also quick question… Underneath my boobs where I’ve had the incisions its feeling abit itchy? Has anyone else has this? I presume its just itchy from where its healing like if you’ve ever had a scab that’s healing… But just wanted to check if anyone else has has this? Xxx


    Hi, FR Sent if you dotn mind. C xx


    Nope that’s fine xx


    hi there always itchy afterwards! i had dinner at the wellbeck on mon lol your pics are looking great welcome to the booby club xxx


    Ive sent you a friend request hope you dont mind i had a nipple lift aswell xx


    Can I add you please chick, you’ve had similar to mine, had mine done 8 days ago and don’t worry mine were itchy as, so hard not to scratch them!! But all a good sign that they’re healing :) xx


    Yes sure hay 2108 add me! Will be good to share tips! Thanks delouise for my welcome to boobie club lol! And thanks for reasurance about the itchyness!! Xxx


    Hi Babe, looks really good! How did it all go? How u feeling now? xx

    stuckeya -1

    All looks good. Thanks for adding me. I’d say the itching is deffo scars healing and that’s a really good sign hun. Happy recovery xx


    May I add you Hun.. The itchiness is normal, think its where everything is healing.. Xxx


    Yeah sure heidiboo75 add me! :)

    Londongirl- thankyou! It went really well, felt abit sick after the general anaesthetic but apart from that been ok! They feel sore and tight and everytime I try to get off the sofa or out of bed it hurts where the muscels are, but that’s all to be expected! Each day they feel abit better :) I’m really happy with the results so far, although can’t see much due to the dressings!


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