Happy with results? Started by: Fran

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  • Fran 1

    I’m thinking about having a breast uplift with an implants. I have small, saggy breasts which have always been a problem for me but have only recently started to take steps to do something about it.
    I’m pretty nervous of the operation and at 46 I wondered if there are any other patients out there of similar ish ages who have had the procedure and had great results. Has it helped you feel more comfortable or confident ? Thanks xxx

    Bex 1

    Hi Fran, I’ve not had surgery yet but an in a similar position to you at 48 years old.
    Do you have a surgeon yet? Have you looked on Real Self to see examples of their work?

    Serena 1

    Hi, I’m 49 and have my surgeon consultation booked in a couple of weeks time, I’m seeing Mr Giannas at the Bristol clinic. Nervous but excited too!

    Fran 1

    HI,thanks for the messages. Good to hear about your experiences and news. I met the surgeon last week, Ms De Leo, which went well.
    After writing my message I lfound RealSelf. It definitely is worth a look, lots of before and after photos and the ability to search for examples of many different surgeon’s work.
    Its very exciting but also a bit leap into the unknown !

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