Healing process- overs v unders Started by: Layla

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  • Layla 1

    Hi, im yet to find out what the surgeon will reccommend to me, but im a 32a so im expecting under. I have my consultation tomorrow. Just wanted some peoples experience and opinions on the healing process for both. I have two young children, 4 & 2 so ideally the quicker healing the better but wouldnt want to compromise the end result just for the sake of a few less days of pain/discomfort.
    Thanks 🙂 xxx


    Hi there! I haven’t had my op yet but will be next week. I also have 2 children and will be having 450cc overs to take me from an A cup to hopefully a DD. I think as long as you’ve got enough breast tissue you’ll be having overs. When I was pregnant my boobs were nearly a D so I think that has helped with how much tissue I have. I have read from a lot of girls on here that overs is a quicker and slightly less painful recovery. I was told by the nurse that I should have someone helping me for the first 10 days as I have 18month old twins so I shouldn’t be lifting or changing nappies really. I’m guessing if I had to I would just get on with it after a few days but like you said, it’s not worth compromising the end result
    Hope that’s been some help ☺

    Layla 1

    Thanks sarah! Ive never really been very big, even with the pregnancies i only went up to a big b so im not sure. Guess ill find out tomorrow 🙂 thanks for the help, and good luck next week! I bet you cant wait! Its all i can think about at the min! Lol! Hope you dont mind me adding you xx

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