Hello from a BA Newbie Started by: Malisha.X

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  • Malisha.X 3

    Hello all!

    I’ve always been an A cup and with breastfeeding my 3rd child went up to a full B (The joy of having BOOBS is unexplainable!) but sadly after I stopped breastfeeding they just disappeared! Didn’t even say goodbye 🙁
    They are now so small (I’ve lost weight aswell) I don’t even have a cleavage! I buy super padded bras to give me some shape.

    I don’t feel very ‘womanly’ with my itsy bitsy boobies (I’m sure some of you or many of you will understand what I mean)
    I’ve been with my fiance for 12 years and now I get conscious of my non-existent boobs when I’m getting changed. I don’t want him to see them!

    I’ve had 3 children and I don’t want to have anymore so I think its now the right time for me to get implants.

    But I have sooo many questions.

    After having implants do you always know or feel that the implants are there? or do you just get used to them being there and pay no extra attention to them.
    Im so sure I’ll be conscious of them moving out of place!
    What about sensation/nerves? Do you get twitching etc..?

    Malisha xx


    Hi Hun, I was in the same boat as u! 2 children both breast fed started at a 32a loved my pregnancy boobs at a b/c cup then they shrank bk to a 32a after I stopped breast feeding! Just had my op 7 days ago and I’m so glad I did it – no more feeling self conscious around my partner is what I’m looking forward to! At the minute my boobs are rock hard and it’s a strange feeling but I sort of knew what it would be like due to breast feeding and having swollen rock hard boobs once the milk came through is kind of similar….. They are stiff at the moment and is no way they can move out of place. Don’t think theirs enough skin left to move? Sensation – slightly numb at the minute and a bit tingly not bad though! Not had any real twitching! Don’t worry if u have breast fed I think u could handle a breast augmentation xx

    Malisha.X 3

    Hi Rachael..

    Hope you’re recovering well!

    I tend to over think and worry too much.. I just keep thinking “what if something goes wrong ”
    Oh that doesn’t sound too bad if its a similar feeling to breast feeding.. I can handle that!

    How have you been managing with the op and kids?
    Malisha xx


    That’s all I worried about from the day I booked surgery – thought what if something bad happens is it all worth it! I don’t like to take risk’s now I’m a mum I’m a very safe person…… My mums had the kids from a week ago on Friday till today but I’ve been out and about with her shopping the last couple of days & I’ve been fine! Just keep having to tell my 2 year old that I can’t lift him cos I’m sore and he understands so just holds my hand! You have to think that so many people have anaesthetic everyday and if u google anaesthetic and research it then u will realise how safe it is! As for the surgeon I had no doubts with mr Kazzazi as he has been a breast surgeon since the year I was born (25) years ago so I trusted him 100% xxx

    Malisha.X 3

    Yeh exactly.. I don’t like taking risks either and even more so now that I’m a mum.
    Aww that’s good, makes it alot easier for you that the little one understands 🙂

    I’m not worried about the GA, I’ve had that in the past when Ive had minor ops. I actually love the feeling of knocking out and you don’t even know it! lol
    Im more worried about the implants leaking or waking up with something I didn’t ask for.
    Im also unsure of the unders.

    Where did you have yours done? and can you choose the surgeon you want to carry out the op?

    Malisha xx



    I also had 2 beautiful children. Took ten years to take the plunge. Now 13 weeks post op and aside from marriage/children it is the best thing i have ever done. I had under the muscle implants too. From un measured 32 b to measured 32 f. Don’t look that big though, look a dd i would say.
    My surgeon was fantastic, you will be fine. The doubts are normal. I had never had a GA but actually enjoyed the feeling!



    My surgeon was also Mr Kazzazi. Had my 3 month check up with him on Monday and all is well!

    Malisha.X 3

    Hiya pinklady.. Hope you’re recovering well 🙂

    Is there extra twitching or numbness when you have it done under the muscle?
    And what’s the difference between under and overs.. As in do they look different?

    What clinic did you go to?

    malisha xx


    The lifetime guarantee ones shouldn’t leak it’s like a solid gel inside them so can’t really leak as such! The implants are like giant jelly tots and if u cut into it it’s solid, I googled allergen implants to check this out! I had unders they are supposed to look more natural & I picked mr Kazzazi myself because a few friends of mine had him and i had op at Doncaster – i saw him at Leeds mya clinic for consultations x

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