Help – can't make up my mind! Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Ok, so I’ve wanted a BA for as long as I can remember & I put my deposit down for an op at the end of August and now I’ve asked for a refund because I just don’t know if I can go ahead with it!
    I feel like I’m being such a nuisance but I really cannot make up my mind & I have read so many posts where girls have regretted having them done & want them removed because they find them so uncomfortable.
    I am worried about not being able to exercise or sleep properly.
    Am I just being silly?
    Does anybody regret having them done?

    Samantha 1

    Only do it if it’s what you really want. It’s not a small decision to make.
    Personally I love mine and do not regret a single bit of it. Initially they can be a bit uncomfortable and will take a little while to get used to, sleeping properly is only really bad for the first few weeks, but it does get better. You can always do light lower body exercises, then at 6 weeks ease your way back into your normal routine. I was back in the gym hitting bags as normal at 4.5 weeks. It is a very slow process though, you have your good days and your bad days. xx


    I went through the same turmoil. I wasn’t sure if I really needed them done and talked myself into thinking my little 34A’s would do me. I then found out that I had to pay 80% of the surgery cost as I was just over a week before I wanted to cancel. I then spoke to a lot of family and friends and decided I definitely wanted them done so went ahead. I am now 10 days post surgery and i LOVE mine. I would be so gutted if I had pulled out and lost the money. It is very normal to feel unsure about it but only you can decide 100% whether to go ahead. I hope you make the right choice xxx

    Nicole 1

    Just make sure you make the choice for you, what you want….not what friends or family tell you or people on here. It’s your life and body and you have to do what’s right for you. If you pull out now…it doesn’t mean you can’t change your mind at a later date….the earlier you decide to cancel the better financially it will be.
    Took me over ten years to do it….so….don’t feel it’s a decision you have to rush into….although I wish I had done it ten years ago lol!

    Laura 13

    Tuk me 7 years to do it? So wish id hav done it sooner. I love them the pain, discomfort and money was all worth it. Dont regret it at all it really had changed my life. Im 26 and finally feel like a woman.

    You really have to be 100% with ur decision its a huge one.


    Thank you everybody. I suppose I am just one of those people that worry so much so it’s hard for me to ignore all the potential problems. I am going on holiday in a few weeks so as soon as I’m back I’m going to see how I feel about it all then. I just keep thinking about all the other things I could spend the money on as well which isn’t helping lol x

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