help… trying to recover! :( Started by: hallix

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  • hallix

    hey girls,

    sound like complete wuss… but I dno if I can handle this discomfort any more :( nose still oozing like theres no tomorrow, nose generally feels uncomfortable, tight, swollen n tickley all at same time, and can’t see through puffy eyes. no one else seems to complain so I’m either a big wuss or there’s something gone wrong…

    is it normal to feel this uncomfortable? I keep getting upset about it, and crying cuz I hate this feeling so much, I sort of wish I could get a refund and my old nose back! :(

    I had open septorhinoplasty on weds night so I knew it wasn’t going to be an easy recovery.. just didnt realise how horrible it would feel!

    when will i start feeling better?? if anyone has any advice or supportive info would be good… feel so low right now, wondering what was so wrong with my old nose!

    sorry for depressing post… I don’t know who else would understand xxx


    Please dont think that something has gone wrong,You are upset because you were hoping to feel some improvement as the days go by,and because other members seem to have recovered quickly,you are worrying that something may have gone wrong,but you have had a major operation honey,and your body is working like mad to repair everything,you could also be having the blues from the GA,any surgery can leave you feeling low and emotional,I wish I had the answers to make you feel better,but from what I have read on the forum,It does just take time,I know you want to feel better right now,but Im afraid it will take time. In a few weeks you will be so happy with the results,I know its hard when you are in pain and you feel like crying,bet it even hurts to cry,hang in there honey,you have had a big operation,you have been so brave,and it will get better,give the nurse a quick call to put your mind at rest,tell her exactly how you are feeling,she will be able to reassure you,massive


    Hi chick, I havent had a nose op so I can’t really say what’s normal and what’s not. Sorry. If your worried at all call the nurse though, that’s what they are there for. They’d b the best to advise on whats normal and what’s not, they’ll probably be able to give you ideas on how to manage the pain aswel. Hope u feel better soon. X


    Hey huni, sorry to hear you’re not feeling very happy. It’s totally normal babe, don’t worry. Like other people have said it is an emotional rollercoster but it will get better. You will start to feel yourself more and more over the next few days..n I reckon by 1 week post op you will pretty much feel back to normal. I know I was up and down throughout it and I couldn’t of got through it without the girls on here and the nurses are lovely.

    You can do it huni n were all here for you xx


    thanks girls…

    I feel so silly, I knew to expect the worst but when the worst comes you don’t feel at all prepared or able to deal with it!

    I hope you’re right, and I’m sure in the next few weeks ill wonder what all the fuss was about!

    apparently today n yesterday should’ve been the worst days, so in theory I should feel a little better tomorrow. my swelling and bruising has gone down noticeably since yesterday, and I have some more air streams coming out of my nose so that’s probs a good sign.. ugh it just gets unbearable!

    everyone on here has been amazing, so nice to feel like you have supportive friends going through the same thing, even if u haven’t met them! xxx

    Sof <3

    Hallix, I’m sort of laughing to myself as I felt exactly this way earlier too.. I’m now 2 days post op and I totally feel like I can’t take it anymore! The runny nose, the pressure, the throbbing etc and I only had closed rhino so god knows what u feel like! I feel like sh@t at the moment too, I’m only a day behind u too so I know how u feel! Don’t worry, well get through it!! Just think we are at the worse stage, it ain’t guna get worse than this, only better! And in a few weeks u will defo be happy u did it! At the moment, kinda feels like it wasn’t worth it (I def am at this stage at the mo) but it will be!!! Xxx

    Sof <3

    Ps… I think I totally took being able to sleep lying down for granted…. I’m missing that loads! Lol! Xx


    Honestly ladies, you are both at the worst stage at the moment… you will be ok in just under a week. you will get used to the uncomfortableness and let me just say to be honest that you have months left to go as I still have swelling and trouble breathing, but each day gets better and its soooo worth it. I would do it all again if I had to. The sleeping up is a pain in the arse but it’s part and parcel I’m affaid, I slept up for 3 weeks then I couldn’t do it any more. :) xxx


    I had open rhinoplasty last Tuesday. I don’t really have much pain now but the nose cast and tape is causing me the worst itching ever. I just wanna rip the dam thing off but I know that would be stupid. I’ve taken some piriton as the nurse said this may help but it hasn’t. Does anyone have any ideas? I’ve resorted to a cotton bud….

    Sof <3

    Oh the itching it so irritating!!!!!!!!! Ive resorted to stuffing my face with chocolate everytime it become unbearable I find that helps slightly lol Xx


    oh god, yes the itching gets unbearable! i normally just ignore it and it goes away… if im really desperate ill get a lollypop stick or straw and squash it down, and very lightly and carefully put it under the cast although this maybe isnt the best idea so i try not to do it… relieves the itch though!

    i wanna stuff my face with chocolate but cant taste it most of the time! however i have been able to get some air through my nose, like at the moment i can breathe very very slightly through my nose… but it will block itself up again soon! has anyone else found that happened early on?

    i have been a bit naughty blowing my nose very slightly… but it means i can taste a little!

    sleeping up is terrible… somehow my body knows not to turn over in sleep though, or maybe sleeping at an angle makes it harder to do anyway, but i normally sleep on my front so its starting to get so irritating on back!

    siiigh 4 days down… a while to go yet!

    how is everyone feeling today? and what is your worst time of day?

    i find when i wake up in the morning i feel absolutely awful… and is when my nose is at the most uncomfiest!


    Sof <3

    I’ve been blowing my nose slightly too but it’s kind of just stuck there at the moment, if I sniff inwards loads it doesn’t really budge and if I blow downwards it doesn’t tend to budge either so that’s annoying. I’ve now totally lost my sense of taste today which is annoying! The pressure on my nose is the worst bit for me, can’t wait to get this cast off, though I bet it’s well swollen and fat underneath!! I feel ok most the time I’m just so bored of sleeping up right and not doing anything during the day. I’m almost so used to the cast on my face I’ve opened the door a few times without thinking too. How is ur bruising now? I noticed the dark circles/bruising under my eyes is slightly darker/yellowish today which is a good sign I suppose it means it’s starting to heal. Are u taking anything to help with the bruising/swelling!? I was advised pineapple but even the thought of it makes me sick I can’t eat anymore! Xxx


    Ladies, please do not blow your nose until at least week 6. The reason you cannot breathe is because of the swelling, the nose is healing, you are at a very delicate stage right now. Please do not put anything up the cast and touch your nose as least as possible. The less you touch it now the better it will be when the cast comes off. Blowing your nose at the early stage could impede the final result… I know that it is really hard, but you must not touch it, blow it, lean on it on do anything to it… it is currently like a delicate broken eggshell that has been stuck together. Try arnica cream and lots of pineapple…

    Good luck ladies xxxxx


    Yeah im taking vitamin C tablets, have been taking them since about 2 weeks pre op, 1000mg chewable ones from Tesco. Hard to tell if they make a difference as I have nothing to compare to lol, but the bruising seems to be going fairly rapidly… still purple around my eyes but getting noticeably lighter by the day. Ive also been taking arnica tablets, but MYA said they dont notice any difference between people who take them n people who dont so it might not be doing anything but doesnt hurt!

    I read today that pineapple doesnt contain bromlein,its a myth, its only the fruit stock that does so i wouldnt worry about eating more pineapple! ive had quite a lot and still drinking pineapple juice but it cant do any harm i guess!

    I must say though my swelling was really bad on friday, so much i could hardly see through my eyes, but by yesterday swelling had rapidly gone… and today is even better, hardly any swelling now. Ive been quite impressed with the bruising/swlling situation but hard to tell if thats down to the vitamin C/arnica or just that my body is quite good at healing itself anyway.

    Only issue is a very much prolonged period :/ which im hoping is down to stress n will disappear in a few days.

    I thought id love being at home not having to do anything, but it gets boring really quickly! now im dying to go out and do something but no way with this cast on/bruising.

    i dont feel the pressure much on my nose. i dont know why this is when other people say its annoying, i cant really tell. maybe ny nose hasnt swollen up that much i just dont know!

    when do you get stitches out/cast off?

    i had a bath this evening, was sooo nice to feel clean, i hate not being able to shower!



    Sorry to be a bore…but even for me nearly 3 months on, when I blow it I can literally see it swelling, so it can’t be good in the first week ;) xxx

    Sof <3

    Lol thanks chelle, I’m going to stop trying to blow stuff out or sniff it back in it can just stay there!! how do u not have pressure hallix ur lucky!!! For me that’s one of the most irritating things! Aw, I guess I’m lucky my eyes didn’t swell up or bruise loads! I keep starting off sleeping up right and when I wake up I seem to sleep a little bit more vertical lol! I think I’ve now acquired a cold from somewhere as I was able to breath and smell through my nose and now I can’t do either! Xxx


    I used cotton buds and that seemed to get the “extra bits” out ;) xxx

    Sof <3

    How u gettin on now chelle are u still loving the nose? I was hoping I’d loose my appetite a bit but I

    Think it’s getting worse! I’m going to be morbidly obese by the time I get back to work!! Xx


    Yes I still love it. I put on loads during my recovery xx


    guys….feel so jealous ur all over and done with i,m in on saturday and end of my teather going mad rite.. this cast thing what is it and how does it feel??? is like a tight plaster or sumat?


    Hi!!! I had my operation 5 days ago and was doing some research as to whether what i have been feeling has been normal…i.e not being able to breath through my nose, wanting to blow my nose, the itchness and the feeling that its running and it see’s that it is…which is a relief. I have my stitches out on 2 day and im really starting to worry that going to hurt!! can anyone comment on that? Also i meant to be going back to work in a week and half….i cant imagine my face being in any shape or form ready for the world… :S

    p.s. im eating lots of pineapple…its meant to help with the swelling x


    ahmed01 – the cast thing is like a tight plaster keeping your nose in shape and then a larger tape over it going across your face, i then had a bandage type thing at the bottom covering my nostrils to help with the oozing, but that comes off on the first day your home really, to avoid infection and allow air to go up your nose. xx


    argh need to stop blowing nose but is sooo hard! getting better day by day… got rid of a load of blood out my nose yesterday that was so satisfying!

    I think ive been eating less than usual… just like some soup for lunch and then a bit of dinner with the parents, so bored though dont really know what to do with self!

    Ahmed01, the cast is like made of plastic with tiny little holes in, moulded over your new nose and held in place with plaster. I also have some plaster under my nose tip for some reason…

    the oozing has got much less which is good as i have now run out of surgical tape.

    Stitches out tomorrow! scared is gonna hurt….



    Goodluck with the stitches coming out….your a day ahead of me, mines out on wends. Let me know how it goes, I’m sooo nervous but iv read on here that’s its meant to be ok!!! Xxx



    Just to let you know when I had my stitches out it didnt hurt. I’ve never had stitched out before that and I was nervous especially because the thought of anyone around my sensitive nose was a horrid thought…but it was fine. No pain, just little tiny pinch sensations. xx


    Ooh busybee, did you have your op on thursday then? have added you if thats ok hun.

    do you think ill be ok driving tomorrow? is only way to get to clinic but they say you shouldnt drive for a week after… just under though surely should be ok!

    Thanks kaylees, glad it didnt hurt, feel nervous but also nervous about driving with my face looking like this! think im meant to be going out for lunch after too, HA thatll be weird but have decided i dont care if people look at me, at least i have a nicely shaped nose lol



    Had it wends afternoon and getting stitiches out wends morning!!!! Think driving will be ok! Just be soo careful obviously!!! Excited to hear how you get on!!! Iv decided come wends I’m living life again lol I don’t care if people stare I can’t be locked up indoors anymore!!! Xx

    Sof <3

    Thats the same as me, I’m getting the underground to my 7 day check up on Thursday lol sod it I can’t be a hermit crab any longer I’m going out of my mind with boredem!! I had a large bit of crust (yuk) fall out and it hurt a bit I was so worried I may have f**** up so of my internal stitches but I’m not bleeding or anything so hopefully it’s ok! Is anyone still feeling a bit of pressure under the cast? I still have a little bit , a lot less than before tho. My yellow bruising under my eyes is clearing up fast! Woohoo xxx


    yeah same thank god, bruising yellowing now! i guess i feel a little pressure, but not that much it isnt that noticeable so i dont know, maybe i havent had much swelling?! glad your pressure is less now!

    busybee, thats wierd I had my op wednesday night, not till like 9pm, but they want me in for stitches out tomorrow morning? like a day less than you will have had? i hope this is ok… feel a bit worried now like maybe my stitches arent ready to come out??



    I had a septiorhinoplastry, wat did you have? Maybe yours was less serious so they thought it’d be ok!! Its only the difference of a few hours though so don’t worry, think you just got lucy with an earlier appointment!!! Jealous!hehe!

    Sofs87-im feeling pressure still…..the absolute worst bit is feeling like iv got a cold, the congestion and runny nose and not being able to blow!!!

    Rinx ♥ 4

    i can see half the messages on here :(.im guessing yours would be more uncomftable as you had alot more done maybe? i found it realy hard around day 3-4 esp as i was sick as well but after that it came easy with the sleeping and stuff like that. iv been quite lucky i could breath at day 8 and now the cast is off i can breathe fully but still make snorting sounds so il breathe through my mouth till thats stopped haha! i was a big baby with the stitches i thought i was going to die! my itching wasnt too bad but just my luck i came up in a rash today :l reckon its from the cast boo! xx

    Rinx ♥ 4

    cant see*

    Sof <3

    I must be pretty lucky I’ve been able to breathe through my nose since the packs came out, only this morning it was really bunged up and I lost my sense of taste but it appears to have come back now and my nose is totally clear, can breathe thru it! Glad u have pressure still too! Was starting to worry I was the only one lol! It’s just mainly on the bridge of my nose where the old hump used to be lol it’s flipping annoying xx


    busybee, i had a septorhinoplasty too!! i dont know many other people who had that other than you actually lol.

    yeah you are probs right, maybe doesnt make any difference just got lucky! when you having your cast off you know?

    rinaule im so happy for you right now, you look great! Shit about the rash but that will all go soon enough :) do you think you could tell you had rhinoplasty at this point if someone had never met you? glad about the breathing, i can sort of breathe through nose and the ooze has basically stopped thank god! also thank f*** for cotton buds lol.

    wow sofs, totally clear already!? jealous. i suppose though you still have some pressure and i havent really suffered with that so tit for tat haha!



    ah your so lucky to be able to breath girls!! when i manage to have a look up the nose [not attractive lol] i can see its really really swollen inside so i dont think air can seep through easily….im hoping it will come in time!!!

    Hallix – you had a septorhino too!!! i didnt even go in thinking i needed it, i had a big bump and then Dr G mentioned these other issues and when i looked at myself it was like i was hit with a boulder, i saw all these other problems so i went for it! im worried im going to look loads different and people will see the obvious difference but cant tell until the cast is off yet! stitches out tomorrow, cast off….havnt been given a date yet but according to what day i think it should be on Monday 12th! fingers crossed!

    Rinaule going to check your photos out, makes me feel better that your so happy about it! xx

    Sof <3

    Hallix damn u and ur no pressure ha ha. I just walked to the doctors around the corner and was getting some Sympathetic looks. I think people must think I’ve been in an accident and broken my nose! Ilmy friggin Internet isn’t working at the mo I’m dying to show u all my pics, hopefully when my cast is off on the 13th it’ll be up and running ! Xxx

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