Hidden Price Increase!!' Started by: Nat1234

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  • Nat1234

    Hi girls

    My boyfriend had surgery recently and had had initial consultation in march and was given one price and he’s actually worked out Hea paid more. He’s just spoken to his PC and she’s told him that the prices went up in April. Surely they must honour the price they quoted in march. Also he agreed to have before and after photos taken for a discount of £150 which is got and he had a friend referral but they are now saying he can’t have that as he’s already had one deduction even though the friend has receivered her money.

    Have any of you had more than one price reduction and also have any of you paid more than you were originally quoted. I am quite distgusted in MYA as this all sounds pretty god damn shady. How can they quote a price and sign their name to it and then actually make you pay more???


    jessabella 1

    I was quoted a price in my initial consultation in March and they said that they would honour that price if i booked and payed deposit before the end of April. Which i did, so i kept the price before they all went up and had my op in June. If he was quoted before the prices went up, then they should’ve honoured that if he booked and payed deposit before end of April. Or he shouldve at least been told of this option.



    He paid 23rd of April. I’m so angry with MYA thy never once mentioned prices were going up and my boyfriend being he idiot he is didn’t think to check how much he was paying. I suppose because it’s MYA and not some back street company he put his trust in them not to have him over, but clearly not.

    This is an awful way of conducting business and an appalling treatment of their customers.

    I’d warn you all to keep track of exactly what your paying because MYA will grab every penny they can.

    It’s a shame because everything up to now has been brilliant but I definitely won’t be recommending them now.



    You get paid £150 for having before and after photos taken?? I had these done but wasnt offered payment for these?? Wasn’t even aware of this from MYA?!? Is this true MYA Mod?? :-/


    It may not be common to get the money but I think offered it because they have no photos for men as they tend to not want to do it. But they originally said he could have that off and the friend thing now they’re back tracking to saying he can only have one offer.

    I feel like theyd say anything to get you to sign on the dotted line and then once they have the money they rescind on everything they’ve said!

    MYA mod can you please help with this, we feel really let down.


    myamoderator 138

    Hi Nat1234,

    I am sorry to see your post. Please inbox me your boyfriend’s details and I will look into this.

    Hi heidiboo75 Pre-op photographs are taken to provide the clinical team – nurses and surgeons with a starting point for the patient journey.

    Post-op pictures are taken of wounds to allow us to monitor their progress, establish the cosmetic journey and change that has occurred and also for us to put them together with the pre-op ones to give the patient an over-view of their healing and result.

    Patients are not paid for these photographs.

    Kindest regards,

    MYA Mod


    Sorry Heidiboo i didn’t make this clear, I think the photos are going to be used for other potential patients to look at to see before and after results, not just the general ones they take of everybody.

    Thanks MYA Mod.



    Ahhh that’s cool.. I understand now, thanks guys xx


    I was quoted a price in march for my BA, but because I hadn’t paid my deposit by April, the price was altered due to the price increases. They warned me in the last week of March that this would happen and that if I wanted the cheaper price, I’d need to put a deposit down by the end of the month..but I didn’t have the funds at the time…which is a shame because it was a massive price increase.


    We never once got told there was a price increase, first we heard of it was yesterday and he’s had no money off for photos so there is no way I’m letting him go back to have his photos done for the benefit of MYA!!

    tashiemash 1

    i only heard of the price increase as my pc called and said ‘prices are going up in 2 days so get a deposit down so u dont get the new prices!’ this was in march time i think??? xx


    Exactly the same as Jessabella, at first I thought it was a scam but all prices went up end of april. I had my consult in march and they agreed to honour the price discussed in my initial consultation, however I put my foot down as they wanted to charge the new price. I was lucky I guess!



    i was quoted one price and we paid and then a few weeks later i had them calling saying i still owed 1000 pound but it was mya’s fault not mine and i told them i was going to go elsewhere if this was the case and we didn’t have to pay any extra!x

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