Holiday 6 & half weeks post op? Started by: Natalie Hulston

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    I’m 6 weeks post op this Saturday and going on holiday on the 26th so I’ll be 6 & a half.. just wondering if anybody has been away after having them done and was they okay? Xx

    Hannah 38

    I’m having my boobs done next week and I go away 6 weeks post op so I’d like to know of any dos and donts too. The nurse said she can’t guarantee I’ll be fully healed which could mean I won’t be able to go in the pool.


    What are you having done? I had an uplift with implants and still wearing dressings atm as I have a bit off delayed wound healing. My surgeon said I wouldn’t be able to go swimming but that was all he mentioned, just said I would need factor 50 for my boobs as if they get red they stay red. So I’ll probably just keep them very covered through the day x

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