How did you all cope, need advice xxx Started by: Robyn

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  • Robyn

    Girls I’m so new to this and realiseation at work hit me today knowing , this time next week I’ll have some new boobs, how did you all feel after your op and the next week? I only have a week off work xxxx


    I felt fine after 5 days but i was only returning back to Uni, sat in a classroom!! The only thing i did find was that i was more tired than anything! Are you going under or over the muscle! Xx

    Rebekah 1

    Hiya hun, i had my surgery on Tuesday with Mr Traynor at Preston. i had 400cc over the muscle. i stayed in bed most of Wednesday and today i went out for dinner with my family and got ready like normal, just a few aches around my arm area when trying to raise them. Hope this helps xxx


    I think everyone feels differently after their op. Personally I wasn’t in much pain at all however I was really really tired. It was the case where even just an hour out of the house looking around the shops, having a catch up with friends or having a walk around the block and I could sleep for the rest of the day. I took the week off work and I wish I had took longer but only for the fact I was tired. Hope it all goes well for you!

    Bi 1

    Hi Rebekah

    Hope you don’t mind the add I’m having overs in a few weeks and still debating with 375 or 400 cc!!


    Thanks girls hope I have the same as you and it’s mainly tiredness I have, I can’t wait now just been a little anxious today but that’s normal, can’t wait to finish work on Saturday, roll on D day the (30th) xxx


    I’m 2 days PO and the worst thing has been sleeping, I slept better last night. I’m not in much pain just my arm are sore when I try to lift them they get stiff. 🙂 good luck Hun xx

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