How do I go about complaining ? Help Started by: Mnd

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  • Mnd 4

    I’m over 5 months post OP now ( not with mya) one of my breast is bigger and lower than the other one, I’m really un happy about this. My surgeon said my breast were a little asymmetric before hand but he has only told me this now , I never noticed it. I really notice now after OP. I was never told before the OP about this or what to expect . I Was never told I will need a lift to get my breasts to match or offered a different size implant in my other breast . I want to complain as I feel like it his fault for not talking about it and more interested in my money. What can I do? How do I complain?

    Monica 25

    Is there not a contact so someone you can speak to directly? So sorry to hear about your experience babe, what company was this?

    Mnd 4

    One health medical . I have the contact number to one woman who I could email if I had question , but dont know the contact number for anyone higher

    Monica 25

    OMG really? I just had my consultation with them this evening.. and with MYA this Wednesday!! I thought they were called enhance UK but it’s one health. Who was your surgeon? I spoke to the surgeon I didn’t even catch his name! Maybe try to text your pc and see how they can help?

    Mnd 4

    I had mr Perrone . Yh I will see if she can direct me . I have got another appointment to see my surgeon in September, but I want to talk to someone about it now to be honest that’s not my surgeon

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