How have you ladies felt in your second week? Started by: Marie

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  • Marie -5

    Also what have you been able to do?


    hi marie
    im 2 weeks today and am back at work, arm movement is coming back a lot better but still not driving or anything. how are you feeling?x

    Yasmin 8

    Hi x
    I’m at the end of my second week and have basically gone back to normal. Arms are working fine and I get less pain in the morning everyday. Side of my boob still gets a shooting pain but nurse said that’s normal. I still cant walk too fast or bend down ect because it feels like my implants are going to fall out. But huge improvement from week 1 xx

    Marie -5

    What cc’s did you have?
    I’ve got my op booked for 28th Sept, I just hope a week off work is long enough as I’m a personal trainer and sometimes need to demonstrate weight machines for new members. I’ve took one week off teaching spin and then I will just teach without using the bike as they know what they are doing.

    Jennifer 6

    Hey, I’m currently in week 2 and slowly getting there ☺️ I was told by the nurse yesterday at my check up absolutely no lifting weights for 6 weeks because the incisions are still healing and it can cause damage. I would ask to speak to the nurse personally ☺️ Xx

    Jennifer 6

    I had 375cc unders xx

    Yasmin 8

    I had 325cc partials. You definitely shouldn’t do any lifting for the first 6 weeks make sure u take it easy!!! I moved out last week and lifted a few bags and ended up being in pain all night :S you could risk getting hematoma. Xxx

    Marie -5

    Yeah I’m not going to do any heavy lifting till 6 weeks! Did any of you go out to cinema etc in the first week?

    Yasmin 8

    I stayed in bed for the whole first week but after I took my strapping out I started going out with my friends ect. My recovery was hard tho because I’m quite weak and going under has a longer recovery xx

    Jennifer 6

    I found it tough to even want to go out. I felt so bloated from the GA that I was just uncomfortable in everything I wore. I looked about 6 months pregnant!! Day 3 was the worse for me. I felt miserable. I get uncomfortable at times now, so I’m not sure how well I would’ve done in the cinema seats. But everybody is different. It is good to get some fresh air and get out and about, but like I said everybody’s healing process is diff, so you might be able to. I just went for long walks. I would say I started to feel a bit better come day 9. The first week I had very limited use of my arms. I’m 10 days PO now and I still can’t fully put them above my head. They tell you not to for the first 2 weeks anyway. And I still find sitting in a car as a passenger uncomfortable. It’s best not to expect the worst and then if you’re better then it’s a bonus!! ☺️ Xxx

    Marie -5

    Aww bless you!!
    I’m going to get out and about as much as possible! I’m going under local anaesthetic which I’m pleased about! I exercise and do a lot of weight training as it is so I hope I will be able to go out with my friends etc!

    It’s coming round so quickly, I’m so excited!!

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