How to get credit rating up? Started by: jade

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  • jade

    Anyone know anyways to get good credit rating don’t think mine is very good and want to try and apply for a loan or credit card or something to pay for my ba x

    CRx -1

    it takes time! so if you have a quite bad one it can take a year to improve it (at least).. don’t apply for anything or avoid applying for more than one in six weeks as it shows on your credit and doesn’t look good to companies as shows your desperate for credit. sign up to experian or noodle and have a look and see why it’s bad? if you have debts and have had no contact for 6 years they get wiped of your credit (but as soon as you contact it starts the 6 years again). keep on top of finances and don’t miss any payments!! don’t ever do a settlement as my friend did one and it still affects her credit rating. i don’t know if my info is deffo correct but that’s what i think? someone may correct me… Maybe try a credit union (i’ve heard they let you loan 3x what you save with them? that might not be true, but they are not a payday loan so not as bad interest?) xx


    Sound advice from CRx, and if you want a boost and you can afford to, use your credit cards but make sure you pay off the full amount when the statement comes in!! Even if you only use it to purchase just small amounts… It shows you are a good borrower. Easier cards to get on low ratings are cards like Vanquis- but be warned they have high interest rates so make sure you pay the balance off within your interest free period. As CRx said check your credit rating, see call credit and check my file also, they will show you why your rating is low so you can work towards putting it right. Good luck!!!


    I’ve used a credit union for part payment for my ba … Really good lenders don’t so credit checks or anything just check I can afford your repayments and u can lend 3x what u have in there – deffo worth looking at. I have had bad credit in the past and it’s hard!! Hope unsort something soon Hun…also little things like making sure u are on the electoral role are worth sorting to, xx


    if your a registered voter it helps alot x


    If it’s really bad i’m sure you can have a family member pay for your BA on finance, like in their name and then you can pay them back personally without affecting your credit rating 🙂 xx

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