I really don't like this!!! Started by: lucia

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  • lucia -1

    reassurance pls :(. I just removed my bra to take shower and I nearly started to cry. One breast looks like 2 sizes smaller then other. why??????????????????? yesterday they were nearly perfect match :(((((((((((


    Hey Hun! I haven’t had my op yet. But I’ve read other girls say on here that treat your boobs like sisters that grow separately, they will be dropping and fluffing and do this at different times. I wouldn’t worry, if you’re still early days it takes time and apparently they change loads over the first 6 weeks where your body is getting used to the implants and repairing its self 🙂 I wouldn’t worry too much yet. Happy healing 🙂 xx


    Well said Rachel I’m 6 weeks post op and even though my lift breast had the bigger implant than my rite one the rite is well bigger been told if your rite handed the left will drop faster than the rite x

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