Implant Started by: xwardyx

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  • xwardyx

    Had my BA on 09.10.2012 so I’m 13 weeks post op today and I’ve woken up this morning to my left side implant being upside down, words can not describe how upset I am right now I’m absolutely devastated. I’ve rung the hospital to speak to them about it but because it’s so early in the morning I’m being told to wait until everyone’s in so I’m now sat here in bits waiting for someone to deal with the fact that one of my boobs looks deformed :'( :'( :'(


    OMG! How did that happen? Have u got anatomicals, CUI or Natrelles? I didn’t know this could happen. Try to stay calm…I hope they sort u out. Big hugs xx


    No idea I had pain in my left breast last night just shooting pains, went to bed and woke up with the bottom of the implant facing upwards (flat side to top). They’re not anatomical they’re just Allergen CUI implants (365cc). I’m not in any pain at all it just feels very strange, I’ve managed to get in touch with the hospital where I had them done & currently waiting to see if there’s a surgeon in my local clinic to see me if not then I will have to go back to the hospital where I had them done. I even had a nightmare shortly after my op about them flipping & just can’t believe that nightmare is now a reality. I’m getting really quite fed up with this as I’ve had stitched spitting which I had to go get sorted out & now this what a farce. Thanks for hugs though 🙂 x


    Awww hun…I really hope they sort u out today!! Xx

    myamoderator 138

    Hi xwardyx,

    Sorry to see your post. Are you a MYA patient?

    Many thanks
    MYA Mod


    Hi xwardyx I hope your ok. Try and keep calm and not get too upset. They will ave to sort this for you. I know it’s a lot of messing about but I’m sure it will all be worth it once sorted x keep your chin up xxxx


    Myamoderator I’m not a MYA patient but please don’t kick me off the forum because I really appreciate the support that’s provided on here especially at the moment. I’ve managed to get an appointment with a surgeon tomorrow to have it flipped back into place (if that’s possible) and if not I’ll be needing a re-op, I am massively concerned now though because I’ve heard that if the implant flips it’s because the pocket made during surgery for the implant to sit in is too big which means it will keep happening. I did know this was a risk of having the BA but at the time the benefits of having the surgery outweighed the cons and everything in life is a risk so I took the risk and had 2 complications. I know lots of people have surgery and never have any problems I’m just gutted it’s happened to me as I guess anyone feels when stuff like this happens.


    P.S I will post some photos this evening x


    Update on the situation: I went to my local clinic yesterday & saw a surgeon to have my implant flipped back into position. As soon as I took my bra off the surgeon & nurse who was in the room with me both said yes it’s definitely flipped & I have way too much loose skin (both of which I already knew!). They’ve told me that because I have so much loose skin that the implant is very likely to flip again & I’ve now got an appointment on Tuesday to see my surgeon & discuss having a re-op. I was told there are 3 options which are to either put a larger implant in to fill the loose skin & it won’t move around as it will fill the pocket better or have the pocket made smaller by putting more stitches in it or have some of my loose skin removed. Just absolutely can not believe this is happening because the whole point of me even having a BA was to fill that loose skin in the first place so to be still left with loose skin & implants that do 360 degree flips after spending £3995 is beyond annoying. Totally don’t mind having another op but it’s the inconvenience of it that I find frustrating because I have a 2 year old daughter so I need my husband to be able to have time off work so he can look after her for me & I may have just been naieve but I really thought I would go back twice after my op at 1 week & 6 weeks post op & that would be it see you in 10 years or something but I’ve been back twice due to stitches spitting & now this arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!


    Annoying indeed!!! Hope you’re sorted soon!! Xx


    Thanks Tara x


    I went to see my surgeon on Tuesday & I’m having a re-op one week today! Can’t believe it’s getting sorted so soon I’m really pleased & really looking forward to having the boobs I’ve always wanted, I’m not paying anything for the re-op either…RESULT!


    I’d c this as aplus llol to get bigger implants fr free resulllllt


    I’m going from high profile implant to a low profile implant so he’s told me width wise my boobs are going to be bigger but they’re going to be smaller in depth… haha but it was never really about the size for me anyway I just wanted nice shaped boobs with no more saggy skin & if I get that I’ll be a very happy lady! Just can’t believe I’m going under the knife again I really thought it would be consultation, operation, the usual 2 post op check u[ps and see you in 10 years haha but never mind at least It’s ghetting sorted now eek so excited 😀 x


    Good luck 🙂 xx


    Just read your story xwardyx sorry to hear what has happened atleast your getting it sorted good luck xx

    tracey 2

    good luck hun glad your getting it sorted out and so quickly x


    Just read this post I feel for you Hun I really do as I had soooo many complications with my mastopexy with implants last year which has left me with no implants currently, not very good scarring and no feeling in my nipples it’s just important to stay positive! Honestly we all get there it’s just some journeys take longer 🙂 good luck for our re op xxx


    Thank you ladies for all your kind words 🙂


    Oh xwardyx, I’m so sorry. I didn’t even know that could happen! Now I’m worried it will happen to me cos I’ve got loads of empty skin and only having 300cc overs :-(. Can I add you? What size were you before? X


    oh so sorry to hear that xwardyx, at least they will sort it out, are u having uplift or only bigger implants, do u know what size???? good luck,hun xxxxx


    OMG I am in bits 🙁 After my 1st op I had zero pain at all & thought to myself wow as if it doesn’t hurt but this time round I am in agony. My incisions are so sore, my back’s hurting from sleeping upright & to top it off I’ve now got cramp as well :'( . The op went well I went from having 365cc high profile implants to 360cc low profile implants, they look miles better but of course I’m still unhappy & it’s my own fault as before as well. I should 100% have had an uplift with implants because now I’ve got great boobs but nipples that are so far down at the bottom of my boobs I want to cry every time I loom at them. It was only an extra £1605 to have the uplift with an implant too so now I’m totally kicking myself for not paying it. So that’s now 2 boob jobs 12 weeks worth of recovery time & still hate my boobs. Devastated. (P.S sorry for the rant).


    Oh Hun, chin up, sending you lots of hugs x x x


    I’ve now got a blister on my right boob, it’s apparently a reaction to the dressing so I’ve removed the bit of dressing that covered the blister & been told to leave it alone but it looks gross eww!


    oh,hun,it will get better xxx can u see big diference between high and low projection implants?


    Definitely can see a big size difference, my surgeon was a bit apprehensive about putting in low profile (360cc) implants because he was worried that I’d miss the size that my high profile (365cc) implants gave me but I told him I still wanted to go ahead because for me it’s never been about having big boobs just to fill the empty saggy skin I had before my ops. The high profile implants boosted my boobs from 32B to 32F and you can see they’re now visibly smaller but I actually prefer them to my previous implants if that makes any sense haha. I will be putting some photos up soon so you can have a look at the difference. 😀 xxx


    Big hugs hun xx


    Thanks Tara 😀 xxx

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