in extreme back pain upper and lowers its making me sad and cry Started by: Anonymous

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  • Anonymous

    Any tips to help this pain xx


    Have you got enough support behind you ? Try sitting up straighter if you can you are probably slouching a bit more than normal because you are top heavy xx in a few days time you will feel much better Hun it will all be worth it in the end 😉 xxxx try and walk about abit if you can I found sitting for too long made it worse xxx


    Walking helped me


    Walking helped me and bending my knees up and putting pillows underneath x

    Samantha 1

    Yup walking, pillows under knees and hot water bottle. I found that helped to soothe the pain

    Laura 12

    Ice pack on boobies and hot water bottle for back were my life savers. Keep on top of your painkillers for as long as u need them. Walking and keeping mobile defo helped too I was afraid I would seize up more if I stayed in bed all day xx


    Thanks girls it fucking kills x been crying all day cx

    Laura 12

    Bless u all worth it in long run hun. It’s a physical and emotional ordeal we go through don’t think people realise hope it gets better for u soon xx


    So true if i had known it would be like this ide never do it x having my son with no painrelief was less painful than this xx


    i not gunna lie to you hun… it gets worse before it gets better….the first week i was like you, in a lot of pain and couldn’t sleep, so swollen and sore and i only had 420cc so goodness knows what it must be like for you as nearly twice the size of poor thing… skin was soooo stretched and sore i was under strapping aswell it drove me mad, i wished i never had it done!…i couldn’t get comfy at night in bed so i took myself downstairs and slept with my v pillow on the sofa sat up, it wasn’t as bad as i imagined and there i slept for next two weeks, i suffered from terrible back ache in the first week too, i really thought what the hell have i done to myself all for a pair of tits!..But… does start to get better by week me…then you start to love at week 6 i love mine although i still get the odd niggle every now and then, we forget we’ve had a serious operation and stuck foreign bodies into ourselves so our body is gunna take time to adjust to them, the healing process is never the same for any two people….just take it easy , dose up on your meds, and rest as much as you can, don’t be tempted to do too much ..its six weeks out of the rest of your life, like i say take it easy, its surprising how much they will change over the next 6 weeks, it will get easier and you will love them new boobs of yours x

    Francesca -1

    hi hun, i have a curved spine so get a lot of pain anyway, thankfully i knew how to cope with it so when i got slight back ache it was gone before it started.
    Usually the pain is from your muscles being all tense and cramped, try and walk around your front room/bed room with a straight back and roll your shoulders back. Take as much pain relief as you need, if it isn’t helping maybe try Deep Heat if it’s a muscular pain.
    However, if your implants are quite large your body will be trying to readjust it’s centre of gravity and will ache whilst your body gets used to the weight xx


    Its agony but it can only get easier surely xc

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