is anyone a size G/GG po? Started by: victoria

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    Hi ladies.
    If ur a size G/GG po would u mind if I add u and look at urs pics please. Also what size were u before and what size cc did u have. Thank u in advance 🙂

    Laura 12

    Hi hun i was measured a 32G/30GG 6 weeks post op. I’m now 10 weeks post op and feel they have grown even more but yet to be measured again. I was an empty 32c pre op and had 495cc with Dr Singh x


    Hi Victoria, I’m 9 days PO currently wearing an f sports bra. Have heard about this ‘drop and fluff’ process so if this happens then it’s likely I may end up around a ff/g cup. Was a 34d pre op had 380 partials.

    … Yours seem to have got bigger as the weeks have passed?? X


    Would it be ok to plz add u both.
    I have dr.singh so hoping he will be able to guid me in the right direction xx

    Laura 12

    Yes hun think we’re already friends on here. They sound huge but really don’t look like what I would imagine a G cup to look like 🙂 yes lenna, initially they went smaller when the swelling went away but seem to measure bigger now again at 10 weeks post op xx


    Haha so I see. Was looking through ur pics thinking these look familiar.
    Can not believe the difference! !
    What height and dress size r u hun??
    im 5ft8 and size 12……do u love the size or wish u had gone bigger? I dont want to get the boob greed xx


    I had 445 extra high profile from a 32dd and I’m now a 32gg/h xx


    Would it be ok to add u plz fox?? Are u happy with ur size? Xx

    Laura 12

    I’m 5″5ish and a size 8. I really love them in normal clothes u wouldn’t tell I’ve had them done but like that I can dress then up or down 🙂 naked they look mahoosive to me lol sometimes wish I’d gone a tiny bit bigger as i went with smallest size offered where most girls go with biggest size offered. Think we all get the dreaded boob greed at some point! Xx


    So ur advice would be take the biggest im offered 🙂
    read far too many girls who wish they had gone bigger so I definitely dont want the greed after xx


    Hey Victoria, Think youv already looked at my pics but im a size 12, was a Dcup naturally, then had 600cc overs with Mr Traynor. Im currently wearing a G Cup Sports bra and it fits perfect but havent been measured as of yet. Personally i wouldnt have anything less than 600cc for our frame as they look perfectly in propotion. 600cc sounds HUGE but it doesnt work out as big as it sounds, so if you want BIG then id go for at least 700cc if you get offered that and go with Traynor!!! HE IS GOD. xx


    Yes ive seen ur pics and ur boobs are amazing! Perfect shape.
    but I totally agree about big boobs looking in proportion to our frame. Im absolutely petrified of getting this wrong either way, id cry if I didnt go big enough but the same for too big. So hard to know.
    But the advice seems to be go with the biggest size the dr offeres lol xx

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