Jennabelles BA story Started by: Jennabelle

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    260 CUI (guessing I have overs)

    with Mario Russo at Preston.

    Post op: 34B – according to Mario, I was measured at 36C and have always wore this size bra.

    Stats: size 12, 5ft8″, age 21

    Op date: 10th Jan – overnight stay.

    I have always known my boobs were different, they were spaced too far apart and my areolas were too big and they were never full on the bottom looking at them sideways was like a pigeon chest and snoopys nose hybrid. I had started to gain weight during my early teens and they were quite full, then coming out of my teens I started to loose weight it’s hard to say how much exactly as I wasn’t as tall as I am now I’d say up to 2stone, this caused me to get a fair amount of stretch marks all the way around my boobs so even though they looked fairly decent in a bra I have never ever been able to wear low cut tops/ bikinis etc and feel comfortable. After doing some research I found out I had tubular breasts (breast deformity) there’s different levels to which you can have it and Mario told me it was slightly tubular.

    So being a student and working part time it’s been a struggle saving up enough for a BA and Nipple lift which I needed to reduce the size of my areola and help get my breast into a natural shape. I’m proud of myself for managing to save for something that I wanted.

    I booked my op 5days after my 21st birthday, as a present to myself which meant I had a sober new years and 21st (I’ll make up for that later)

    I was picked up at 7:30 tuesday morning in a fancy BMW – MYA arranged my transport as the nearest hospital to me is preston first trust over a 2-3 hour drive away. I opted to stay overnight because I thought it would be too risky to day case and be too far away from the hospital in case of anything going wrong. I arrived at the hospital and was shown to my room, the nurse was carrying my bag and asked if I’d brought the families silver (it was my laptop and magazines) haha. I was given my theatre gown, paper pants and stockings and told I was 2-3 in line.

    I kept falling asleep in my room (had a uni deadline the day before so had done 4 all-nighters and was desperate for a snooze) the nurse came in to do some paperwork just asking me health related questions (same as in pre-op really) then Mario came in to draw on me and take some photos, he made me feel at ease and told me he would look after me. Then the anaesthetist came in to check my airways and pulse. I fell asleep again and was woken by a lovely man ready to take me to theatre. I lay on the bed while he put the cannula in the back of my hand and had to give me some fluids as it had been such a long time since I’d ate/ drank anything, he said I seemed very calm, I didn’t feel it, I was nervous and could feel myself shaking, he then wheeled me into the the theatre the time was 13:10, they told me that first they would give me something that made me feel drunk, the anaesthetist asked what alcoholic drink I liked and said he was going to give me lots of Gin & tonic it took a few seconds then I said ‘OMG I can feel it in my eyes’ (I meant like beer googles) then he started putting the anaesthetic in and the nurse put the mask over my mouth I still hadn’t gone out and I heard someone giggle that I still wasn’t out yet. The anaesthetist said start taking deeper breaths and imagine you’re on holiday somewhere nice, I closed my eyes and was out.

    A different nurse was waking me up I don’t fully remember what I was saying but I asked if I could have more Gin & tonic and if I had boobs yet and what size did I have and did I have overs.. I don’t remember a single answer she gave me haha! She let me look down at them and I said ‘YEY!’ I don’t remember what time it was but I have a text to my Mam at 15:50.

    I just kept sleeping and waking every time someone came in to check my blood pressure I think it was around 8pm and a nurse asked if I wanted to eat and she brought a menu, I asked for salmon salad and ice-cream for dessert. The salmon didn’t have any salad just potatoes in a creamy sauce and peas. I’m not sure if it was because it was late but my salmon was cold and I couldn’t cut it, it was too hard. I ended up throwing it up onto my plate, the girl who brought my food in moved my nurse buzzer off the table so I ended up struggling trying to reach it. Another nurse noticed that she had done that and taped the buzzer to my table for me. I vomited about an hour after that but it was the taste of the food still in my mouth that made me sick, I was given a sickness tablet for it. Had some ice-cream just before 11pm I said I had a sore throat so they would let me have it.. I didn’t but I just needed a nice taste and something in my stomach :P

    I had to have the fan on in my room all night, I was boiling! and woke up a couple of times slightly sweaty but nothing too bad. The next morning I had weetabix and toast for breakfast. I was in so much less pain than I anticipated even after surgery but I thought maybe I couldn’t feel anything from the GA. I was given my box of the dreaded co-codamol (have took it before when I had my tonsils removed- totally zonks me out!) and penicillin to fight off infection. Was picked up at around 10am and pretty much slept most of the way back (My driver Peter was lovely)

    When I got home I tried to eat lunch but vomited again, I did manage to keep my dinner down though.

    I’ve been pottering around the house just fine not pushing myself too hard, no washing etc :P didn’t have a big appetite so only had a weetabix and half a cup of tea, vomited AGAIN in the afternoon, then had a takeaway curry for dinner and was fine after.

    The co-codamol still makes me feel spaced out and my boyfriend laughs and says I look like I’m on another planet. Oh I forgot to mention the look on my boyfriends face when I got them out.. he had eyes like saucers!!

    P.S I’ll upload post op pics once I can reach my camera cable from the top of my wardrobe and add to my journey where I can.

    Please PM before adding thanks :) xxx


    Congratulations honey,thanks for sharing,happy healing,xxx

    leah91 -1

    Hi hub I’ve just added you and for some reason I can’t pm u ?! Strange ! I’m currently in hosp had my BA yday & wide awake so thought I’d pop on here … I’ve added u because u had your op on the 19th I wAs the 12th we both had Mario a BA plus the nipple lift xxx

    leah91 -1

    I ment the 10th silly I phone xxx

    myamoderator 138

    Great story Jennabelle.

    Thank you so much for sharing.

    We’re here if you need anything.

    Happy resting

    MYA Mod xx

    nikki 2

    lovely story hun happy healing xx


    Hey hun, going to add u if that’s ok. I hope to have my ba with dr Russo and

    Like to see the amazing work he does! Xxx


    Great story! And congratulations xxx


    hia hun, i have added if you if thats okay, wont let me message u first, you must be delighted that you now have your new boobies hope you are happy with them hun xxx


    Hi hun……congratulations and happy healing. I got my Ba on 9th Feb with Mario. I have added you but can’t pm you as it won’t let me xx


    Hi huni added u if that’s ok, also can’t pm u, lovely story huni glad it all went good for u, Peter drove me to highgate too lovely ain’t he, I’m 6 days po xx


    Nice story chick, happy healing!xx


    Thanks girls, I have just noticed that MYA have took off the PM option until friendships are accepted so I will just accept replies on this page :)

    I’ve also posted some post op pics today.

    3 Days Post Op –

    I’m feeling absolutely fine today slept like a baby again! stitches from my breast crease are a little itchy but I think its because the bra rests on them, noticed some bruising coming from the left nipple and a fair amount of swelling in between my boobs, skin is also stretched there and it’s starting to bruise. Tops of my boobs are starting to feel soft and squishy and it feels like I still have all my sensation.

    Took a laxative today as I haven’t been to the toilet since before my op, I’m not feeling bloated but I don’t want to leave it till it’s too late. My appetite is low too but I haven’t done anything to burn energy off so that will be why. xx


    Hi do u mind if I add you ? xx


    They look fab, congratulations! X


    Hi hun is it ok to add I’m 2 days post op! X


    Hello jennabelle can u add you ? X x x I am 4 week post op tommorow x


    Hi i have requested a few of the ladies who have commented, hope you dont mind … finally plucked up the courage to book a consultation yesterday x


    Hi hun I have friend requested you I had 260 overs too and I’m on day 3! so we’re pretty much in the same position haha. I also have slightly tubular breaats so it’ll be good to compare healing times and pics :) great story too! xx


    Great story hun thanks for sharing, ive got just over a week to go

    hollybol 2

    Congratulations :) happy healing xx

    hollybol 2

    Congratulations :) happy healing xx


    congratulations hun enjoyed reading this, happy healing xx


    Lol… Great story! Congratulations Hun, hope you stopmfeeling sick and happy healing! Xxx

    sjhunni 1

    Hi Hun hope you don’t mind me adding x


    Hey :) great story< sounds similar to me and what im going to have. do you mind if i add you? xx


    I’ve accepted all adds ladies :)

    5 days post op –

    Don’t even feel like I’ve had any surgery can easily lie on my side and on my stomach, still just sleeping with my shoulders up to be on the safe side until I see the nurse. Laxatives have sorted everything out. Last day off co-codamol tomorrow. Massaged palmers cocoa butter into the swollen skin inbetween my boobs seems to have helped with the swelling and bruising this morning.

    Couldn’t even manage 6 days no sex never mind 6 weeks!! Kept my bra on and made sure they were safe the whole time ;) xx


    8 days post op –

    Slightly achy but I’ve been a little more active maybe overdone it having more back pain than anything though. Had my dressings changed and got to see my inframammary incision looked very neat and well healed the nurse said I’ll get a very good result with those can’t see my areola incision until next week mario likes the steri strips to be on a week longer so I just had my dressing changed on those now I have silly little holes for my nipple to poke through. Nipples are looking very flat from being stretched out however I’ve never had very big nipples and they were always quite flat unless I was cold, they’re also feeling sunburnt rubbing against my bra but fine when I have no bra on. My nurse said it’s ok for me to now go back on my pill whoo!! my bf will be pleased to hear that! xx

    Link below to 8days po pic…

    hollybol 2

    Jennabelle they look amazing, you must be really pleased! xx


    They look absolutely amazing hun!! Im so pleased for you sounds like its all gone so well for you! I want mine to look like that! :D xx


    What a great story, thanks for sharing hun! Gets me so excited reading peoples stories :-) Congrats on the new boobies, and happy healing xx


    Thans for sharing your story :) hope u don’t mind the add :-) xxxx


    15 Days post op

    Had my second post op today to look at my nipple lift. This time I had a different nurse and I’m a little upset as to how it went.

    When she was taking my steri strips off my areolas she wasn’t wearing gloves and picked at the corners with her finger nails and pulled them off as though I was having a wax! I saw some of the dried blood/scabs pull off and my incisions started bleeding, she also took off my inframammary fold steri strips. I hadn’t been in any pain until now my incisions have started to sting.

    The nurse put gloves on after that but I am sure that removing my steri strips for the first time wasn’t the correct thing to do without gloves especially when she said she would have to put dressings on another week including over my inframammary fold which the nurse who I saw before told me I didn’t need them and I already hadn’t wore them for a week.

    So now I have dressings on that are bigger than what I had on after surgery and the holes that the nurse cut in the dressings for my nipples is so big that it goes around the outside of my areola incisions and blood has been able to get through onto my bra surely that defeats the point of having dressings on?

    I’m also starting to feel as the swelling looks like it has gone I wish that Mario had given me the implant size I had asked for or at least a little bigger, I still think they look a little too small for my frame :(

    Hopefully things will be better next week.


    hollybol 2

    That’s not good to hear… Really don’t understand the not wearing gloves thing! I’m really worried about the nurses to be honest! Xx


    omg i cant believe she didnt wear gloves… my little boy was stratched at school and got an infection, imagine what a fresh wound would be like… i would complain :( glad everything else is ok? do you mind if i add you for a peak? xx


    22 Days post op

    The clinical standards manager and others from Mya are investigating the incident I had with the nurse last week.

    Had my week 3 checkup with my usual nurse, I was told I could take my steri strips off now and shower normally however I think my areola incisions still look and feel too raw (possibly to do with what happened last week) I’ve re-applied steri strips I might leave them on for another week, hopefully they will look better soon.

    I’m feeling a little shocked as to how nasty and sore they look does anyone else agree? (I’ve uploaded pics)

    I’m going to rest my boobs for the next 2days and keep my fingers crossed that my incisions start to look better.



    Sorry to hear you have had a bad experience honey,you may not believe this looking at your areola at the moment,but the skin has an amazing ability to heal,when I first saw mine I was quite shocked,and to be honest within a couple of weeks,they were smoother,flatter,and started to look even,I thought that mine had a jagged edge and that they would not look normal again,take a look at my scars honey,barely visible.xx


    Lovely story jennabelle n welcome to thr. Boobie club hope ure feeling beta soon x x x


    29 Days post op

    I’ve uploaded new pics again, I think you can see they are looking better than last week. There’s quite a bit dry skin I think from not being able to scrub them when I’m getting washed. Noticed over the past few days that they were feeling very warm but it could be just because the rest of my body has been so cold from the weather.

    Next checkup is with Mario 22nd Feb.

    Desperate to get back to the gym!!

    I’ve finally booked a holiday for me and my boyfriend to Egypt in July, can’t wait to get my twins in a bikini!! :D

    Has anyone else had achy ribs after a BA? Mine are slightly aching but I’m not sure if it’s anything to do with surgery :S xx


    Hi hun, I’m going for my ba on monday (eeek) do you mind if I add you, it helps to know what to expect! xx


    Hi great story, these really make a difference to me as i know what to expect. Hope its ok i added you. x

    ginag84 1

    Jennabelle, they are looking loads better and far less inflamed than before :) they look really good :)

    Got my consultation with mario on 29th of feb! Excited but nervous as hell at the same time!! xx

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