just put some pics up 750cc high profile overs mr traynor let me no what u think Started by: xkarliex

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  • xkarliex 9

    cant wait till they soften and drop xxxxxx


    Can I add? Iv just had 340 I would love to have 700, are you in pain? Mine feel really tight yours must be tight too xx


    I sooo wish i had gone for the bigger implants now yours look fab!!! are you happy with them? how are you feeling?xx


    Can I add you hun? I only had 525 and have boob greed already lol! Only 2 days po, how you feeling? Xx

    xkarliex 9

    yeah fell free to add me :) im in alot of pain today think ive slept too low!!! i was fine yesterday its hurting were my scars are and near my arm pit is tht normal? ive got a v pillow but not sure how to use it xxxxxx


    I had 525 and the boob greed started at about 2 days po as well xx


    yeah thats normal, i used my v pillow behind my normal pillows just to prop me up and keep me there because my pillows are quite soft i kept failing down xx

    xkarliex 9

    aww good what do usr think xxx

    staceylash 1

    Hey Hun I think we were friends originally dont know what happened :-/ Do you mind if I re add you? X


    Hi Girls!

    im having 525 in 2 weeks! so excited :) im looking to go to a F/FF cup. Do you think this size will achieve this, as ive spoke to a few girls who have had this size, and all have different cup sizes :s



    I was a 36a/b pre op and i had 525cc nearly 4 weeks ago and my E sports bra is getting small so i think you will get that size with those implants xxx


    They look really good babe! Lovely shape and you can see already the killer cleavage your gonna get! Congrats u must be well happy already xx

    xkarliex 9

    Yeah so pleased with them!!! Theyve changed so much already and i only had my op yday they were pointy but dont seem to be now xxxx


    Looking amazing! Deff got boob greed now lol my friends have added to it by saying they thought mine were going to be bigger lol hope they grow a bit when they drop!! I’m feeling worse today really tired and under my arms are hurting aswel X

    xkarliex 9

    Yeah i feel the same! I wasnt in any pain yday! My bra feels like its diggen near my scar is that ok? One of my friend isnt been suportive at all its doing my head in! Before i go them done she was saying omg i woul never get a boob job! Then the odd time she would say aw am jelous and now shes trying to scare me saying u cant breast feed u cant find out if u have cancer and apparantly there not as big as she thought they were goona be? Omg there huge rnt thry!!! Why cant she just be supportive eh xx


    CONGRATS HUNNY!!! Happy healing XxX :-)


    Aw Hun she don’t sound like a “friend” to me! You need proper friends at a time like this and this is when you find out who they are! She is obviously jealous because if it was happening to my friend I wouldn’t say things like that. You don’t need to be around people like that when you recovering, you have lots of friends on here who are here to give you advice n support as we all in the same boat and can understand how you feel ;) don’t waste ur energy on her she’s not worth it Hun xxxxx

    xkarliex 9

    Aww thankyou hun xxxxx


    My bra is killing me aswel! Got a macom and zip up m&s bra, digging in under my boobs and feeling like I can’t breath! I’m feeling really sick today aswel but could be medication or the lack of sleep! Not sure what to suggest about bra. I keep swapping from one to the other. If its like it tomorrow I think I’ll have to order a bigger size! I’ve already gone up in the back in the m&s bra normally 34 back but got 36e xx


    Xkarliex, please do you mind if I add you, I had 605cc but worried they may be too big, what your thoughts on yours so far, am happy with them but I certainly look like am defying human nature, size 6/8 with g cup boobs. I had the same size when I was younger before kids but forgot what it was like, maybe I just need to get used to them xx

    xkarliex 9

    Yeah course u can!! I really do love mine! I keep aving the odd cry when the pain getbad wishing i never got them but i really glad i did!!! Ive had to geta 42g bta my 38g was too smll and i had to get one before i left the hospoital so its on the tightest and feels a bit slack evrrywere else exapct the scar but thats maybe just painfull anyway anf im just thinking its digging in?xxxx


    Can i add you? Im thinking about 425cc

    Thanks x

    xkarliex 9

    Yeah x


    Hi We were friends but dont know what happened…mind if I re-add to have a look. Im having 700cc with Traynor in 13 weeks :) x

    xkarliex 9

    Yeah u can xx


    Pls can I add you Hun xx

    xkarliex 9

    yeah xx


    karlie they look so amazing!! :) i tried to mail you before the maintenance went on but not sure if it sent to you! how are you feeling? :) :) I paid my deposit today for the 21st Aug!! yey xxxx

    xkarliex 9

    oh no i int get it! im feeling much better today than i have been but the twinges i keep getting are painfull! its my pro op on wed!! bet u cant wait what are u having xxxxx


    hiii Karlie! im wanting bigger implant but too scared…can i have a look

    at your pics? might change my mind! ha i’ll add you :)


    May I see your pics please x I’m thinking 700cc or 600cc soooo confused x


    They are looking good, suit your frame really well. Are they feeling ok?

    Cat xx

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