Ladies that have had implants 1 year + Started by: Gemlouiseb

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  • Gemlouiseb 3

    Hi ladies, can I just ask how your experience has been so far?

    Those that are 1 year or more post surgery, Can you sleep ok, I’m probably being just silly but at the moment I’m only 2 days post op and finding lying on my back awful! I’m worrying about anything & everything at this point, maybe I’m just having a off day. I look 30 weeks pregnant I’m so bloated, I feel like crap. I get myself worried about some comments on here about ripping and bottoming etc and I just want some reassurance. I’m feeling very blue today.


    Hi Hun 🙂
    I’m only 8dpo but I just saw that you were laying on your back? We are told to sleep upright for two weeks and then back for a further four were you told this too? The bloating is very much normal mine still hasn’t completely gone but it is getting there make sure you are drinking plenty of water and eating good foods protein, veg etc to help with healing. I felt awful day 2 to the point where the pain was too much and thinking was it actually worth it. I’m starting to feel ok now I still havnt had a decent nights sleep but the pain is nearly gone just very sharp shooting pains that I’m getting now and still can’t stretch too far! They also still feel like big hard rocks on my chest but still got fluffing and dropping to happen, things change dramatically the first few weeks so until you get to the 6 week mark you shouldn’t really be worrying about anything as changes still have to happen 🙂 xxx

    Louisa Mills 11

    GEMLOUISEB, you are only a few days after the op – your body is still trying to get rid of all the medication you’ve had pumped into you – you are bound to feel worried and not right. Don’t expect too much too soon. I am sure you’ll feel better in a few days, but again just let yourself go through all the emotions and don’t put pressure on yourself. Relax and think the hard bits done – I really hope you’re OK. Lots of lovely people on here for support and wise words!! xx

    Jackie 144

    Hey lovelies I’m 9 months post op and can sleep in any position but funny enough find sleeping in my back bliss found it so hard after surgery as I was always a side sleeper xx and would slide down the bed off my boulder of pillows to try to keep me upright ended up sleeping on the sofa with my feet wedged so I couldn’t slide lol xx anyway hope your all healing beautifully:-) xxx

    Gemlouiseb 3

    Thank you so much! I had a better night last night and feel a bit better this morning.

    I’m putting yesterday down as an off day. Gonna keep on top of my meds’ and look at the positives. Glad I’ve got this forum & you lovely ladies to help. Youre all superstars.

    Stacey 496

    How funny Jackie I’m nearly 6 months post op and can sleep any position aswell I was such a side sleeper and now I love sleeping on me back aswell now find it soo comfy xxxx

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