Last minute slot offered – help Started by: Sarah

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  • Sarah

    I’ve been offered a last minute slot on Wednesday which I’m 90% certain about taking – just need to decide on what size to go for as I was offered 550 / 590 / 650 overs to replace my old 350’s.

    I’ve also forgotten what bits I need to get and if I’m ok to have acrylic infills for surgery? I’m also worried as I have slightly high bp but not on meds for it.

    • This topic was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by myamoderator 138. Reason: Mentioning costs is against MYA's community guidelines
    ninab 20

    That’s an amazing price! I paid just under ££££ for teardrops, not with MYA. just had 555cc to replace my 340’s. I’m happy so far, I’m only 4 dpo. I’ve already got boob greed and wish I’d gone bigger.

    • This reply was modified 5 years, 9 months ago by myamoderator 138. Reason: Comment contained details breaking MYA's community guidelines
    Sarah 64

    Seems a good price, you could put the £2k saving towards something else like a holiday!!!
    Would need the acrylics soaking off and get a post-surgery bra (but remenver it’s bank holiday Monday so you might not get on delivered by weds if you order online)
    If you can get sorted with the basics and the time off work then go for it!
    This time next week you’ll be 4 dpo!


    I’m so tempted to go for the 650cc but worried how they’ll turn out or if they’re prone more to sagging? I’m scared as hubby can’t get time off work and will have to go up by mus elf, sob. Kids are over my mother in laws as she thinks I’m working but back in work on the Monday so hope I’m ok by then. I walk to work and only do admin, just hope I’m ok as it’ll be day 5 on the Monday.

    Popping to M&S tomorrow to check out some sports bras, ideally front opening ones.

    I’m having teardrops / hp overs. I’m swaying for 590cc as it’s the middle figure! Or should I just go for 650….

    ninab 20

    I think if you’re having overs they are more likely to drop/sag with a larger size. What size are you now? If I were to go under again I’d probably go for around 600s. I’m worn out today and a little sore. My husband has been off which has helped a lot but you probably will recover much faster with overs. I’m sure you’ll be fine. It’s such a tough decision to make!

    Nikki 6

    I totally get your excitement lovely! It’s a good price 🙂 I am 3dpo and won’t sugarcoat it for you, it hurts. You need the painkillers. It’s tiring, you drift in and out of sleep several times a day cos your body needs the rest to heal. Please take the time to schedule a good week off work to do this for your health! And you will need someone to help you do little things in the first few days like sit up in chairs and prop you up, get dressed, open doors even. I really don’t want to put a downer on it for you just please take the time to be fully prepared cos it will help you in the long run lovely xx

    Koral 42

    650 for sure it be a great size .. what a good discount I would snap up a saving like that … x


    I’m off today to get a v pillow, arnica, sports bras and wipes. Dreading it but excired as I’ve waited so long to get them re-done. Not sure about my acrylic nails, might just take the nail varnish off and see if I can get away with it x

    ninab 20

    I was told to take my nails off, they need to be able to see your nail bed for any skin discolouration whilst under anaesthetic xx

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