Long time coming Rhinoplasty decision! Please share your stories Started by: dee13

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  • dee13

    from a very young age (13-14) I’ve always wanted to change my nose.
    Now im 22, and have decided almost 10 years os surely long enough to have considered and researched.
    I went through a Breast Augmentation a uear and half ago and thats givens me a more hopeful view of surgery.
    im looking for people who dont mind sharing their stories with me, the good and bad, and possibly finding someone who had a similar nose to mind pre-op and seeing their poost op photos
    My nose is very large so im not expecting miracles, but something a little daintier would d
    thanks in advance!

    Sophie (Dee)


    Hi hun 🙂 I had open rhino with Dr Gonschior in 2012. Feel free to add / message me 🙂 x

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