Loss of nipple sensitivty really upsetting Started by: Tracey

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  • Tracey 43

    Any ladies found that they have lost all feeling in their nipples? I am 8 weeks PO and haven’t regained any feeling in my nipples which is really upsetting me. Has anyone regained sensitivity down the line or is it likely that it’s gone for good? I’m starting to wish I hadn’t done it as they may look better in a bikini but I feel like they are just dead lumps of silicon now 🙁

    jas xx 4

    @tracey hi hun sorry that your feeling so upset! I still have no feeling all under my nipple area. Feels completely numb… try not to worry so much the healing process is longer then we would like! ! Give it time as things can even change right up to 1 year post op and sometimes longer! I know how you feel and I have realised now that patience and time is the key ! Good luck 🙂 Let us know how you get on xx

    Jess 4

    Hi Tracey… I am 9 months po & I am only just getting feeling back in my nipples! I was the same as u & it’s a horrible feeling so I asked my surgeon & he said it can take up to a year just depends on the person! Xx

    Tracey 43

    Thank you both, Jas I was numb under the nipple down to the incisions but that has come back just nothing in the nipple yet but I’m hopeful it will as it does affect things in the bedroom! So hopefully it won’t take a year! Glad yours is starting to come back Jess 🙂 x

    Sophie 123

    In also 8 weeks post op and still no feeling! Also feeling very frustrated about it however I did know there was a risk of this before the op xx

    Fionajsd 131

    I’ve still no feeling in my right nipple 4 months on . Still hoping for a miracle ! X

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