Love my boobs Started by: Laura

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  • Laura 13

    Wanted to do a post on the things I love about my new boobs.

    Being able to fill a bra.
    Being able to get a matching bra and knicker set.
    Looking in the mirror and liking my figure.
    Feeling like a woman.
    Them getting in the way when I am in bed.
    Not having to wear chilled filled bikinis and having to check the paddings not showing.
    Not havig to wear chicken fillets and have them stick to my skin.

    Anything anyone else loves and wants to share?


    Wow must feel great! Hope I can get mine done soon x


    I love being able to wear close fitting clothes now and backless dresses without the need to wear stick on chicken fillets that fall off when the sticky stuff wears off lol.

    Walking into a room and not being paranoid and thinking “people will so notice my pigeon chest”. Xx

    Nikki 1

    I cant wait to feel like this 😀 xxx

    Nicole 1

    Not having to think about them!
    Picking a bra because I like it not because it’s has super boost padding in it!
    Wearing clothes I like not strategic choices to make me look like I have a chest.
    Not worrying about what I look like naked!
    Great post Laura

    Samantha 1

    Not having to wear a bra in clothes and have a decent non saggy rack.
    Boobs being nice and perky.
    Having an hourglass figure instead of pear.
    Being able to grab a handful of nice squishy boob instead of a bit of flabby skin.
    Feeling sexy when I workout, rather than just a sweaty, disgusting mess (still look sweaty and disgusting, but I feel good about it)
    Erotic lingerie looks awesome on now and bedtime fun has never been better
    The list is probably endless….but most of all, I love myself now 🙂
    Brilliant post! xx

    Laura 12

    Love this post! Feeling like a girly girl again and being able to wear stunning dresses without having to worry about bras that i would have never dared wore before! Also sexy time wih my partner has had a massive boost and the fact my boobies stay in place and don’t disappear whenever I lay on my back lol. xx

    Laura 13

    Loving all the posts.

    Totally agree with the boobs not disappearing wen lie on my back.

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