Macom Bra Bruise Started by: Sarah Whitehead

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    Hey I’m 3 weeks PO, had a Macom bra for the last 2 weeks. At first it felt comfortable but now it’s started to become annoying. I’ve also got a new bruise on my right side under boob so I’ve had to take the Macom off for a day and wear a general sports bra. I don’t know if the bruise is from the Macom or because I sleep on that side (surgeon said I could). Has anyone else had this? Xx

    Lauren 7

    I’ve had this look at the side of my breast, I find my MaCom uncomfortable 🥴 and just ordered M&S one that they also recommended.
    I also think the MaCom give the boobs a flat and weird shape so you feel this way too? Attached a photo. Hope it’s healing for you.

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